Maple Syrup Sale

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The sap on the maple trees in the County will be flowing soon, and Rotary Club of Wellington will once again be selling its 2025 vintage of maple syrup from Nyman Farms. This year, we expect to have about 1800 bottles and we are already 50% pre-sold.  If you would like to get your bottle of maple syrup, please contact Yvonne Buys at
Maple Syrup Sale 2025-01-15 05:00:00Z 0
Dementia Prevention - You Have More Control than You Think Mike Lattner 2024-11-04 05:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Memorial Day

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August 25, 2024 -  Wellington Rotary honoured four of their Rotarians who passed away while in service -  Reg Gemmell, Barry Davidson, Dick MacArthur, and Charles Lacey.  It was a beautiful day to remember our old friends.  May they rest in peace.  For more pictures, click HERE:
Wellington Rotary Memorial Day 2024-08-27 04:00:00Z 0
MAGIC OF ROTARY - Wellington Rotary's Fundraising Projects & Its Donations 2024-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rockin' and Rollin''  - Saturday Oct 19 !

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Rockin' & Rollin' - Rotary Club of Wellington Fundraiser Dinner & Dance.  October 19, 2024 at Wellington Community Centre. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. , Starting with wine, beer, & spirits tastings, followed by buffet dinner by Kaleidoscope, live auction and online auction closing, and dance to live music by Bentwood Rocker.    We are Sold Out!  

Rockin' and Rollin''  - Saturday Oct 19 ! 2024-07-29 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Wellington Donates $29,075 to PECMHF  2024-07-01 04:00:00Z 0
David Smith Receives 2024 PECMHF Leo Finnegan Distinguished Award 2024-07-01 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Donates to Storehouse Foodbank 2024-06-19 04:00:00Z 0

Access to Paradise - Wellington Rotary Beach

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May 15, 2024 - Accessible mat project launched at Wellington Rotary Beach. Thanks to the hard work by Rotary Club of Wellington, local organizations, and a corporate commitment from Corona Canada, access to paradise at Wellington Rotary Beach is now equally enjoyable to all, regardless of mobility, ability or age.
Access to Paradise - Wellington Rotary Beach 2024-05-27 04:00:00Z 0


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Reg Gemmell passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday MAY 01, at the age of 93.  Reg was a Charter Member, twice named Rotarian of the Year (2006-7 and 2008-9), and Rotarian of the Decade for 2002-2012. He served on the Board of Directors for many years as Club Secretary and was a multiple Paul Harris Award recipient. Rest In Peace, Reg.
2024 Diners & Duffers Coupon Book On Sale Now 2024-04-29 04:00:00Z 0
Eating for a Healthier Tomorrow 2024-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

Fun Day of Golf at 2023 Annual
Wellington Rotary Golf Day

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June 15, 2023 -  This year's Annual Rotary Golf Day took place at Wellington On The Lake Golf Course on June 15th, 2023. Much fun was had by the 76 golfers that participated, with a dinner following the golf at the Wellington Legion. The funds raised at the event supports the Wellington Rotary's Summer Kids Camp program.
For pictures of the event and Team pics, click here:  GOLFERS
Fun Day of Golf at 2023 AnnualWellington Rotary Golf Day 2023-06-19 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Provides ECG equipment for PECMH 2023-06-19 04:00:00Z 0

April 23, 2023 Was Rotary Beach Cleanup & BBQ Day

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The 2023 Rotary Beach Cleanup and BBQ occurred the same day as the PEC Trash Bash day on Saturday April 23rd.  Many Rotarians and Friends of Rotarians made the cleanup a quick effort, and we had a fabulous BBQ of hamburgers and sweet eats (BBQ by Bill Hurst and sweet eats by Margo).  For more Photos, please click HERE

April 23, 2023 Was Rotary Beach Cleanup & BBQ Day 2023-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Donates to Hospice Prince Edward

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February 07, 2023 -  Wellington Rotary Club donated $1,000 to Hospice Prince Edward in support of the tremendous work and contribution that the hospice provides to the community.  Pictured is Rotarian Barry Davidson presenting the donation to Sandra Barnes, Executive Director of Hospice Prince Edward.
Wellington Rotary Donates to Hospice Prince Edward 2023-02-13 05:00:00Z 0
Congratulations for 20 Years of Service Above Self 2023-01-23 05:00:00Z 0
Wellington Times: Rotary Club of Wellington 20th Anniversary 2023-01-23 05:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Donates AER equipment to PECMHF 2022-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

A Successful Annual Fundraiser Dinner

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October 15, 2022 - Happy Days are Here Again!  The Wellington Rotary Annual Fundraiser Dinner & Auction was a fun evening of dinner and dance, enjoyed by Rotarians and Community, raising $17,000 for the PECMHF equipment fund.  Many participants dressed up to the 50's and 60's fashion.
A Successful Annual Fundraiser Dinner 2022-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rest In Peace, Charles Lacey

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September 05, 2022:  With great sadness,  we mark the passing of our Club's oldest member, Charles Lacey, who passed away peacefully on Monday night, with his family at his side.  Charles would have turned 97 on September 8th. He loved going to Rotary meetings, being involved in the events, and building fellowship with other Rotarians.   Each of us will remember Charles in our own special way.
Rest In Peace, Charles Lacey 2022-09-05 04:00:00Z 0

Story Book Walk on Millennium Trail

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September 2, 2022 -  The Wellington Rotary Club had an official opening of the Story Book Walk at the Millennium Trail, led by Rotarian Linda Donville, and constructed by Rotarian Ted Nash.
Story Book Walk on Millennium Trail 2022-09-05 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Supports Wellington Storehouse Foodbank 2022-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

New Kiosk At Wellington Rotary Beach

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Our Club supported the new build of the Wellington Rotary Beach Kiosk, which is located at the foot of Beach Street, to provide shelter & shade for the County Staff who are working at the beach.  
New Kiosk At Wellington Rotary Beach 2022-08-01 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Supports Community Care for Seniors Christine Dimitris 2022-07-19 04:00:00Z 0
Mission Accomplished!  Promise of $400,000 for Back The Build 2022-06-23 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Supports CML Snider School Programs 2022-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Supports County Kids Read

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Wellington Rotary donated $1,700 to provide 200 books to County Kids Read, a local organization whose mission is to address the link between poverty and literacy, by providing books to children and youth in need in Prince Edward County.  
Wellington Rotary Supports County Kids Read 2022-06-07 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Donates to Quinte Transit 2022-05-17 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Indigenous Peoples Partnership Bursary Winners 2022-05-17 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary sponsors local kids for Camps of Hope 2022-04-07 04:00:00Z 0

Diners & Duffers Value Book Fundraiser Project

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2022 is the 20th year that the Wellington Rotary Club has offered the Diners & Duffers coupon book.  They are a major fundraiser to support our local community projects.  The price of the book is $35 and the value of the coupons is about $3500 for the year.
Diners & Duffers Value Book Fundraiser Project 2022-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Hospital Fundraiser Mission Accomplished

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March 1, 2022
We are writing at this time to pass on the great news the Wellington Rotary Club has achieved our target of $400,000 in support of the new hospital to be built in Prince Edward County.
Hospital Fundraiser Mission Accomplished 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Maple Syrup

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Following the success of the inaugural campaign in 2021 selling Rotary Club of Wellington Maple Syrup, we repeated our successess and exceeded our expectations in 2022.  So, for 2023 maple season, we are once again partnering with Nyman Farms and Kinsip House of Fine Spirits to sell maple syrup.  



Rotary Maple Syrup 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Red & White Wine

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As part of the fundraising effort for the New PEC Hospital Build campaign, Wellington Rotary partnered with two supporting local wineries. to produce a Rotary White and a Rotary Red wine.  All together, we were able to raise over $28,000 for the cause.  Thank-you, Lacey Estates and Domaine Darius !!
Rotary Red & White Wine 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Love is in the 'AER'

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Coinciding with Valentine's day this year,  in another act of love for the hospital, the Rotary Club of Wellington has entered into a second pledge commitment with PECMHF to fund up to $60,000 for the purchase of an Automated Endoscope Reprocessor (AER), needed in the Medical Device Reprocessing Department at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital.
Love is in the 'AER' 2022-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Many Happy Returns Donates $500 to Wellington Rotary

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David MacKay from 'Many Happy Returns' was a guest speaker at the Rotary meeting on February 15, and presented the Club with a $500 donation Cheque, in recognition of the Club's service to the community and to thank the Club for our collaboration with MHR on the bottle returns processing.   
Many Happy Returns Donates $500 to Wellington Rotary 2022-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Raises $10,400 for BC Flood Relief

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The Rotary Club of Wellington (ON) pledged $5000 to the Canadian Red Cross for the British Columbia Floods and Extreme Weather appeal. Additional donations from the Community raised it to $10,400,  and the funds were sent to the Red Cross before December 26th, , which was matched by both the B.C. Government and the Government of Canada. 
Wellington Rotary Raises $10,400 for BC Flood Relief 2021-12-06 05:00:00Z 0
2021 Certificates of Appreciation 2021-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

October 16, 2021 PumpkinFest 

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Even though the PumpkinFest parade did not happen this year, dedicated Rotarians Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg, John Heeringa, Colin Fredericks and Ted Nash helped weigh the gigantic pumpkins at the Wellington District & Community Centre.  Pictured here is the crew with PumpkinFest organizer Bob Greer.
October 16, 2021 PumpkinFest 2021-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

2021 - Rotary Memorial Garden Dedication

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October 17, 2021:  The Wellington Rotary Memorial Garden Dedication event was held to honour Rotarians who had passed while in service. Each honoured member brought their own distinctive self into our Club, strengthening it with their energy, skills, and spirit; and bettering it through their fellowship and friendship.  The members of the Rotary Club of Wellington thank them for their service to Rotary and our community.  The eight members honoured on this date were...
2021 - Rotary Memorial Garden Dedication 2021-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

2021 Wellington Rotary Golf Day was a Smashing Success!

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September 30, 2021: The annual Wellington Rotary Golf Day returned after a 2 year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fun was had by all, with 72 players participating at Wellington on the Lake Golf Course, followed by a sumptuous Roast Beef & Chicken dinner at the legion. Many thanks to all the participants, donors and the volunteers that made this event a success!  
2021 Wellington Rotary Golf Day was a Smashing Success! 2021-10-11 04:00:00Z 0


Congratulations to Alyssa Lancione, who has been selected to receive a $1,000 Indigenous Professional Bursary Award from the Rotary Club of Wellington in 2021. The Wellington Rotary Club is a member of the Rotary Indigenous People's Partnership Committee, which has awarded a total of three $1,000 bursaries to Indigenous students this year.

Alyssa Lancione is a student at Lakehead University, Orillia Campus who is studying for her Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree. She is a young woman of Metis heritage connected to the Georgian Bay Friendship Centre in Midland. 

2022 Diners & Duffers Coupon Book Now Available 2021-04-05 04:00:00Z 0


YES, the Bottle Depot is OPEN starting WEDNESDAY JUNE 02!  The HPE Public Health has given us the go ahead to open, provided that we have no more than 5 volunteers working, practicing COVID safe protocols, and customers stay in their vehicles and DROP & GO. 
Please bring your bottles and beer cans for recycling for deposit returns or donations.  Stay in your vehicle, and we will retrieve your bottles from the trunk of your car.   If the items are for donation, please say so in advance so that your drop-off will be faster.
Your patronage and support of the Rotary Club of Wellington is deeply appreciated.
JUNE 02, 2021 - YES, THE BOTTLE DEPOT IS OPEN ! 2021-02-22 05:00:00Z 0



The current members wished to erect a memorial to honour our members who have passed away while in Rotary service with our Club. It was decided to place it on the Rotary Millennium Trail kiosk site at the foot of West Street where it meets the Millennium Trail.

2020 Diners & Duffers Coupon Book Now Available 2020-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

Thank-You, David Hepburn & Many Happy Returns

David Hepburn presents a cheque for $400 to Past President Mike Lattner, chair of Wellington Rotary's bottle returns depot operations, as a donation to the new PEC hospital building fund.  During the COVID-19 physical distancing lockdowns, many residents of the County were unable to bring their bottle returns for re-use/recycle and collect their deposit refund. David and Many Happy Returns collected the bottles from curb-sides and donated them to the Rotary's bottle returns depot.
Thank-You, David Hepburn & Many Happy Returns 2020-05-25 04:00:00Z 0
Happy New Year 2020 2020-01-05 05:00:00Z 0
Upcoming Event: Federal Elections All Candidates Meeting 2019-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Tribute to Past President Brian McGowan

With deep sadness, we pay tribute to Past President Brian McGowan, who passed away suddenly on September 20, 2019.  Brian was our President from 2013-2015, a triple Paul Harris Fellow, Rotarian of the Year in 2015 and received an award for Outstanding Leadership from Rotary International District 7070.  Brian was well liked and highly respected for his leadership in our Club as well as his contributions to our community.  He truly embodied the Rotary motto of Service Above Self.    Rest IPeace, Brian. We will miss you.
Tribute to Past President Brian McGowan 2019-09-26 04:00:00Z 0
2019 Wellington Waterweek Film Screening 2019-08-14 04:00:00Z 0

Bottle Depot Operations Presentation

Past President Mike Lattner provided a presentation of the current Bottle Depot Operations as a refresher for Rotarians and Introduction for the Friends of Rotary who volunteer at the Depot.  Click HERE  to view the presentation material.
Bottle Depot Operations Presentation 2019-08-06 04:00:00Z 0
2019 Canada Day and Rotary Ribs 2019-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Wellington Rotary Annual Fundraiser Dinner

Post Event Update:
The Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner is an annual event, held in the Highline Hall, Wellington Community Centre, in support of various charitable causes in Prince Edward County.  
For 2019, we teamed up with the Prince Edward Cattlemen's Association to present a County Classic Round Up.  The atmosphere was informal, just like dinner with friends and neighbours on the farm.  It was an optional dress-up event, and some participants showed up in their best cowboy duds, which was great!  We served delicious tender Prince Edward County Roast Beef, as only the Cattlemen can provide.  We had a capacity crowd of over 250 attendees from across the County, and included MPP Todd Smith and Mayor Steve Ferguson.  Wine and spirits tastings were provided prior to dinner, silent auction items were available for bidding throughout the evening, and a live auction called by auctioneer Craig Carson was the feature after dinner. Everyone was very generous, and proceeds from the evening exceeded $35,000, which was beyond our expectations. The funds will be directed to the Wellington Rotary Foundation's New PEC Hospital Capital Fund. Pictures from the event may be viewed by clicking HERE.


2019 Wellington Rotary Annual Fundraiser Dinner 2019-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Tribute to Past President Art Sinclair 2019-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Past Presidents Dinner

2019 Past Presidents Dinner was held at the Drake Devonshire.  Above, President Phyo receives the Past President plaque and Paul Harris Fellow, and Rotarian of the Year award is presented to Barry Davidson.
2019 Past Presidents Dinner 2019-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Congratulates Lions

The Rotary Club of Wellington congratulates the Wellington Lion's Club on their 45th anniversary of service to the community.  Above, President Phyo presents Lion's Club President John Whyte with a Rotary Certificate of Appreciation.
Rotary Congratulates Lions 2019-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Vintage

WellingtonRotary Launches Its Own Private Label Wine 
It takes a village to raise a vintage. That’s not how the old saying went. But the adaptation does fit for how The Wellington Rotary Club came to launch their own red and white wine. It did take a village to get this wine made, and the people that pitched in did so because they want to help raise money for an important community cause—the building of a new hospital in Picton.  NOW AVAILABLE AT LACEY ESTATES
For the full stories, read about it in the Wellington Times
Rotarian Vintage 2019-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Spelling Bee

The 2019 Spelling Bee is underway.  Shown below are the students from CML Snider, Sunrise, and St. Greg's and Trudy Brown (a.k.a THE BEE) and Dawn Cutler..
2019 Spelling Bee 2019-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Family Day Rotary Free Soup & Free Reading Program

We are pleased to report that the Family Day Rotary Free Soup and Free Reading Program activities were a success!   There were 15 soup donors serving various delicious soups and an estimated 300+ bowls of soup were served.  There was also a good turn out for our first Free Reading Program community event.  Over 60 children visited the play area featuring mats, climbing cushions, jack back chairs, toys, and a coloring table for small children - all thanks to The Hubb. Most of the children were young; 1 years, toddlers, JK and SK, up to grade 4.   For more pictures of the Family Day Free Soup and Free Reading Program, click HERE.
2019 Family Day Rotary Free Soup & Free Reading Program 2019-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Family Day 50/50 Draw Winner is...

VICKI CHATWOOD  is the winner of the Rotary Free Soup 50/50 Draw for the 2019 Family Day event.  The winning ticket was #8520141.  Pictured below is Vicki receiving the winning prize of $124.  The draw performed by Rotary Treasurer Trudy Brown and Linda Downey from the Storehouse Foodbank.   Also pictured below is Mrs. Eva Evans and kids at CML Snider Breakfast Program receiving the other half of the proceeds.
2019 Family Day 50/50 Draw Winner is... 2019-02-18 05:00:00Z 0

2018 PumpkinFest & Grape Harvest

On October 13th, our club participated actively in the Wellington Pumpkinfest celebrations. We were part of the Parade, and we had a volunteer team directing traffic as well as weighing the pumpkins. On the same day, a crew of us completed the grape harvest for the Rotary wine. To view the photo album, click HERE
2018 PumpkinFest & Grape Harvest 2018-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Free Reading Program

The Rotary Club of Wellington is sponsoring a free, online reading program for children aged 4 to 12 as part of Rotary’s worldwide focus on improving literacy.  (click on the icon at left to access the program).
The program was developed by Essential Skills Software Inc. and is currently being used in more than 20,000 schools to provide individualized instruction. However, it can also be used by children in their own homes, without the need for school participation, so long as the child has a computer to use and access to the internet. Currently, more than 152,000 children are enrolled through 105 sponsoring Rotary clubs.  Parents can help their children enroll in a free account by clicking on the icon above.
Free Reading Program Karen Selick 2018-08-10 04:00:00Z 0
2018 Canada Day Parade 2018-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Donates $1000 to PECMHF 

The Wellington Rotary donated $1,000 to PECMHF to help with equipment purchases in 2018.  The Club is also working in close collaboration with PECMHF to raise funds for the New Hospital Capital Fund, which is a longer term project.
Wellington Rotary Donates $1000 to PECMHF 2018-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

2018 Past Presidents Dinner

The 2018 Past Presidents Dinner for Wellington Rotary was held on June 5th.  Reg Gemmell was honoured for his long years of service as 
Secretary, as he is handing the baton over to Howard Ziedenberg this coming year.  Alex Lacher was applauded for his successful year as President, and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship. David Smith was awarded the Rotarian of the Year honours.  The incoming Board for the 2018-2019 fiscal year was introduced.   Past President Mike Lattner presided over the ceremonies.  More pictures in the Photo Album on this website.
2018 Past Presidents Dinner 2018-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

Diners & Duffers Value Book 2018

This is the 16th year that the Welllington Rotary Club has offered the Diners & Duffers books.
The books are a major fundraiser to support our local community projects.
The price of the book is $35 and the value of the coupons is $3500 for the year.
The value in the book is better than ever.
There are now special deals with:
37 restaurants
4 wineries and 1 distillery
2 theaters
17 golf courses
Wellington Restaurants
East & Main Bistro
Picton / Waupoos Restaurants
The Waring House
County Canteen
Angry Bird's Rotisserie Chicken
The Restaurant on the Knoll
Fifth Town Artisan Cheese
Waupoos Market, Pub & Library
Diners & Duffers Value Books are valid from March 2018 and are available at:
Wellington Home Hardware
McDougall Insurance, Wellington & Picton
any Wellington Rotarian
Restaurant coupons are valid until March 31, 2019
Golf coupons are valid until October 31, 2018
 Diners & Duffers Value Book 2018 2018-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Progress Update on Our New PEC Hospital Fundraiser Project as of Jan 2018 2018-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Gil Van Soelen

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of our club's Charter members, Gil Van Soelen. We will miss him terribly.
Gil Van Soelen 2018-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Honouring Service to the Club

Dick McArthur is honoured for many years of service providing tremendous leadership in running the Bottle Returns Depot.  Dick has now passed the baton to a committee of five able bodied Rotarians a.k.a. Bottle Depot Action Committee (BDAC), led by Mike Lattner.
Liz Bozma is honoured for coordinating the speakers' schedule for the club in the past years.  Liz has now passed the baton over to Alex Mayeski.
Honouring Service to the Club 2018-01-24 05:00:00Z 0
2017 Update for Wellington Rotary New PEC Hospital Fundraiser Project 2017-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Christmas Dinner

We had a great evening of fellowship and merry cheer at the Wellington Rotary Christmas Dinner held at the Wellington-on-the-Lake community centre on December 19, 2017.  Please see more pictures Here
2017 Christmas Dinner 2017-12-21 05:00:00Z 0
2017 Wellington Santa Claus Parade 2017-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Wellington Rotary Anniversary Celebration

Our 2017 anniversary celebration was held on November 14 evening at the Hinterland & County Road Beer Company. We had a fabulous dinner prepared by Chef Neil, followed by an awesome bonfire under the starlit skies. What a great way to promote fellowship and celebrate 15 years of Wellington Rotary!  Check out our photo album (at bottom right of this page) for a complete set of pics.
2017 Wellington Rotary Anniversary Celebration 2017-11-17 05:00:00Z 0
Join Wellington Rotary's FlipGive Team and contribute to the New PEC Hospital Fund 2017-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Contribute to Wellington Rotary New PEC Hospital Fundraiser

The Wellington Rotary Club has taken the opportunity to embark on a fundraising campaign that will help the community demonstrate its ability to provide funds for the public portion of the cost to equip a new facility to replace the current PECMH. It is anticipated that the campaign will last through to 2022, at which time we will assess the status of the approval process by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.  If the approval has been achieved, the funds will be earmarked to equip the new facilities. In the event that there is no replacement facility approved by that time, the funds will be directed to other suitable health care related causes in PEC.  You can contribute in one of two ways:
Pledge or Donate to Wellington Rotary New PEC Hospital fund by downloading and completing the Pledge form and mailing to Wellington Rotary, P.O. Box 209, Wellington, ON K0K 3L0.  Click on Button below to download pledge form:
Progress Update as at December 2020:  Click HERE to view the progress update on the project as at December 2020. We have raised about $350,000 in cash donations and pledges to date, with a target of raising a total of $400,000.  We sincerely thank all the individual donors and our community at large who have made this fundraiser a success so far.
Contribute to Wellington Rotary New PEC Hospital Fundraiser 2017-11-03 04:00:00Z 0

Contribute to Wellington Rotary FlipGive Program 

The Wellington Rotary Club has taken the opportunity to embark on a fundraising campaign that will help the community demonstrate its ability to provide funds for the public portion of the cost to equip a new facility to replace the current PECMH. It is anticipated that the campaign will last through to 2022, at which time we will assess the status of the approval process by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.  If the approval has been achieved, the funds will be earmarked to equip the new facilities. In the event that there is no replacement facility approved by that time, the funds will be directed to other suitable health care related causes in PEC.  
Flipgive is a program that rebates a percentage of sales to the Fundraiser every time you make an online purchase at one of the participating stores, such as,,, etc..  
Watch the video on joining the Wellington Rotary FlipGive team in support of the New PEC Hospital Capital Fund.
Click on the icon below to contribute through Flipgive. Code to Join our Team is:  Z37UVR 
Contribute to Wellington Rotary FlipGive Program  2017-11-03 04:00:00Z 0

Canada 150, Eh!

The 2017 Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner, on August 26, was a fabulous success!!  Please view pictures posted on this site's photo album below.
Canada 150, Eh! 2017-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

2017 Wellington Rotary Scholarship

President Alex presenting the Wellington Rotary scholarship cheques for $500 each to Kayleen Simao and Heather Thompson.   Kayleen graduated from CML Snider in 2013 and from Prince Edward Collegiate Institute in 2017. Kayleen will be attending the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Oshawa this fall taking forensic psychology.   Heather was a 2012 graduate of CML Snider and has now graduated from Prince Edward Collegiate Institute. She is moving on to post-secondary at the University of Manitoba starting in a general course and then moving on to science studies.  
2017 Wellington Rotary Scholarship 2017-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner

Tastings Providers

Wine:  Lacey, Norm Hardie, Closson Chase, Hinterland

Beer:  Midtown, Prince Eddie

Cider:  Crimson

Soda:  County Soda

Cheese:  Black River                                                       

Our Story

The Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner is an annual event, held in the Highline Hall, Wellington Community Centre, in support of various charitable causes in Prince Edward County.  
In 2015, the "Grape Gatsby" event featured music and attire of the roaring '20s.  The very successful evening raised $8400 for the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Fund.
In 2016, "Grape Balls of Fire" focused on the fun of the '50s. This well attended evening earned $11,000, donated to the Storehouse Foodbank and the Wellington Community Gardens.
In 2017, we celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday with our “Canada 150, Eh!” evening.  Our charitable cause was our special project to raise funds for a New Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (PECMH).  We raised over $15,000 for the evening. 
In 2018, we celebrated "Saturday Night Fever Disco Ball", which was themed to the tunes of the late 70's.  Many participants came dressed in attire of the period and plan to dance the night away.  The evening included complimentary tastings of wine, cider, beer and spirits produced in Prince Edward County, along with a full course dinner by Chef Michael Hoy.  Throughout the evening, both silent and live auctions were featured, followed by dancing to the tunes of the 70's. We also had a Heads & Tails 50/50 Draw.   Proceeds from the evening were directed to the Wellington Rotary Foundation's New PEC Hospital Capital Fund.
For 2019, we teamed up with the Prince Edward Cattlemen's Association to present a County Classic Round Up.  The atmosphere was informal, just like dinner with friends and neighbours on the farm.  We served delicious tender Prince Edward County Roast Beef, as only the Cattlemen can provide.  We had a capacity crowd of over 250 attendees from across the County, and included MPP Todd Smith and Mayor Steve Ferguson.  Wine and spirits tastings were provided prior to dinner, silent auction items were available for bidding throughout the evening, and a live auction called by auctioneer Craig Carson was the feature after dinner. Everyone was very generous, and proceeds from the evening exceeded $35,000, which was beyond our expectations. The funds will be directed to the Wellington Rotary Foundation's New PEC Hospital Capital Fund. Pictures from the event may be viewed by clicking HERE.
For 2020 we had to change our program because COVID hit and we could not hold a dinner/dance. Instead, we held an online auction which turned out to be very successful. With 123 items in a four-week auction, 129 bidders raised $24,000. Since our typical audience did not need more “stuff”, we emphasized consumables and experiences. The most popular category was food and restaurants; however, the most lucrative was a Ford truck.
For 2021 it was decided that since we were still in the throes of the pandemic and businesses would be hard-pressed to donate that we would not hold a fundraising auction this year.
2019 Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner 2017-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner

Highline Hall, Wellington Community Centre
Saturday August 26, 2017

Tickets $85/person (tastings, dinner & table beverages included). Now available at:  
   Wellington Home Hardware, 289 Main Street, Wellington
    Picton McDougall Insurance, 268 Main Street, Picton
    David Smith (, or 613-399-1442)
    Barry Davidson, (, or  613-403-0104)
    Lana Whitteker (, or 613-476-2776 ext.3516)
Come dressed in Canadiana attire to celebrate Canada 150, Eh!

Participating Wineries, Breweries, Cideries, Distilleries, & Cheese


Our Story

The Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner is an annual event, held in the Highline Hall, Wellington Community Centre, in support of various charitable causes in Prince Edward County.   This year, the evening includes tastings of wine, cider, beer and spirits produced in Prince Edward County, along with a served dinner by Chef Sujo, of Soup Opera.  Throughout the evening, both silent and live auctions are featured, accompanied by musical entertainment.
In 2015, the "Grape Gatsby" event featured music and attire of the roaring '20s.  The very successful evening raised $8400 for the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Fund.
"Grape Balls of Fire", in 2016, focused on the fun of the '50s. This well attended evening earned $11,000, donated to the Storehouse Foodbank and the Wellington Community Gardens.
On Saturday, August 26, 2017, we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday with our “Canada 150, Eh!” evening.  Our charitable cause this year is our special project to raise funds for a New Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (PECMH).   Canadiana attire is encouraged.  Join the celebration and enjoy a memorable evening. 
2017 Wellington Rotary Fundraiser Dinner 2017-05-25 04:00:00Z 0
Wellington Rotary Annual Golf Day 2017-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Spelling Bee 2017

Wellington Rotarians Karen Sellick and Trudy Brown (a.k.a. The Bee) volunteering their time and spelling talents at the Spelling Bee at St. Gregory's school in Picton last Wednesday. The Bee will be at our local CML Snider school on Wednesday April 12 at 12:15 if you want to meet her in costume in person.  For more information on the Inter-Rotary Spelling Bee, please go to their Facebook Page:
Spelling Bee 2017 2017-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

New PEC Memorial Hospital Fundraiser Project



The Rotary Club of Wellington announced today it plans to spearhead a fundraising project in support of the proposed new hospital in Prince Edward County.

Click on Read More ... below to view full press release

Click here to download a Pledge Form

Click here to download the Club's project plan  (member password required)

Click here to download the One Page Q&A  about the project

Click here to download the Progress Report on the project as of December 2020


The funds will be raised through the club’s traditional activities, and in addition we will reach out to community minded donors, other service clubs, and local businesses.  Charitable receipts will be issued for all individual donations over $20.

For information, contact David Smith (, Michael Lattner (, or another Wellington Rotarian. 


New PEC Memorial Hospital Fundraiser Project 2017-03-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Diners & Duffers 2017

They're back!!! 2017 Rotary Diner & Duffers books are in. Available for sale March 21st. $35 each. $3500 value!!! Get yours through a club member, visit Nash Home Hardware or stop into the Wellington McDougall Insurance office.
Rotary Diners & Duffers 2017 2017-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

President-Elect Alex Lacher at RI HQ in Chicago

As part of his president-elect training our member Alex Lacher had the opportunity to visit Rotary International headquarters in Chicago. Here he can be seen beside a memorial for the founder of Rotary, Paul Harris, and in the office of current Rotary International president John Germ.
President-Elect Alex Lacher at RI HQ in Chicago 2017-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

Press Release: Wellington Rotary Gives Back to the Community

March 3, 2017
The Rotary Club of Wellington was pleased to donate $450 to the Wellington Branch of the PEC Library, which represent the proceeds of a free-will collection jar and half of a 50/50 draw conducted at Wellington Rotary Family Day at the ESSROC Centre on February 20, 2017.  Over 1200 attendees to the event could enjoy free soup and skating and a wide variety of family-related activities, including face painting, demonstration skating events, and a GPS scavenger hunt.  Pictured are PEC Librarian, Barb Sweet and Mike Lattner, President of Wellington Rotary.
Press Release: Wellington Rotary Gives Back to the Community 2017-03-06 05:00:00Z 0

PACT Life Coaching Program


2017 February 20 - Wellington Rotary welcomed David Lockett, who presented the PACT Program, which is supported by 5 Rotary Clubs in our area. The PACT Urban Peace Program - Participation, Acknowledgement, Commitment, and Transformation - builds peace and hope in our urban and rural communities. PACT life coaches help youth “reach their full potential in life through strategic partnerships with the police, courts, probation, schools and other youth-focused agencies and community partners.” 

Pictured below from left to right are our guests : David Lockett, PACT guest speaker, Kevin Bazkur, Sunrise Rotary, Ken Dickson, Assistant District Governor 7070 district, Tanya Baldwin, Sunrise Rotary and Wilf Wilkinson, Rotary International Past President (2007- 2008)

PACT Life Coaching Program 2017-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

Curling for Camp Triillium

On Saturday February 4, Wellington Rotary members donated a total of $490 in support of Quinte Sunrise Rotary Club's initiative to raise funds for Camp Trillium.  Curlers representing Wellington Rotary were:  Howard, Lana, Phyo & Trudy.
Curling for Camp Triillium 2017-02-09 05:00:00Z 0

50/50 Draw Winner

Congratulations, Charles!!   Winner of this week's 50/50 draw (Jan 10,2017). After 50 weeks without a winner, Charles drew the winning Ace with just two cards remaining.
50/50 Draw Winner 2017-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Family Day 50/50 Draw Winner

The Winning number for the Wellington Rotary 50/50 Draw at the Family Day celebrations was 5243820
The total prize of $138.50 was claimed by Dawn MacDonald, and she has generously donated the full proceeds to the Storehouse FoodBank.  Thank-You, Dawn!!
Rotary Family Day, February 20 th , 2017 at the Wellington & District Community Centre was a fabulous event with many activities, including free public skating, demonstration events from local skating and sports clubs, GPS scavenger hunt featuring the Millennium Trail, and family games provided by the Lions Club.  Soup from numerous community service organizations and restaurants in Wellington was served for lunch. These activities and events provided opportunities for individuals and groups from the community to have a true By Our Community, For Our Community family spirited day. 
Rotary Family Day 50/50 Draw Winner 2017-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Reaching for Rainbows

Reaching for Rainbows is a cost-free after school program offered to 30 young girls in Prince Edward County who are vulnerable or under-privileged in a variety of ways.  This after school program, offered four days per week, provides the girls with a safe, inviting and stimulating place in their challenging day where they can relax, explore and learn about their strengths and skills that are so often subsumed by the everyday challenges they face. Rotary funding ($1,000 in 2016) helps ensure the playroom remains a stimulating and interesting space by providing learning and other materials for the girls to use in play based learning.
Rotary Supports Reaching for Rainbows 2016-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Cheque Presentation to the Storehouse Food Bank

President Michael Lattner presented the proceeds from the Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration event, held on October 22nd 2016, to Linda Downey of the Storehouse FoodBank. The event raised $10,000, of which $5,000 was designated for the food bank and the remainder is designated for the anticipated Wellington Community Gardens project.
Cheque Presentation to the Storehouse Food Bank 2016-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Wellington Santa Claus Parade 2016

The Rotary Club participated in the Wellington Santa Claus Parade on December 3rd.   Pictured here is Mrs. Claus (Kelly Reid) with our Mascot Golden Retriever, Ivy.
Wellington Santa Claus Parade 2016 2016-12-05 05:00:00Z 0
Inter-Rotary Spelling Bee 2016-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

2016 Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration "Grape Balls of Fire!"

Once again, the 2016 Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration (themed "Grape Balls of Fire!) was a resounding success.  It was held on October 22nd as  a 50's themed party with complimentary wine tastings and cheeses, dinner, and silent and live auction items, followed by dancing to rock & roll music.  The event was also a fundraiser with proceeds going to the Wellington Storehouse food bank and the Wellington Community Gardens. We thank all patrons for attending and hope you will come back to repeat this fun event next year!   Please see pictures from this event, posted on our website here (in the photo album section) and on the Wellington Rotary Facebook page
2016 Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration "Grape Balls of Fire!" Phyo Kyi 2016-10-25 04:00:00Z 0
Pumpkinfest 2016 2016-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Millennium Trail Kiosk

Wellington Rotary has completed the construction of the Kiosk at the Millennium Trail at the foot of West street where it meets the trail.  The Kiosk provides a rest stop for patrons of the Trail, with plenty of information about the history of Prince Edward County and the railroad.
Millennium Trail Kiosk 2016-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Scholarship

Phiip Seguin is presented with a Wellington Rotary scholarship cheque from President Michael Lattner in August 2016. Philip was one of two CML Snider School graduates who won Wellington Rotary Scholarships in June 2011. Two  CML scholarships are awarded annually by Wellington Rotary with payment of $500 each made when the student graduates from a secondary school and has been accepted at a post-secondary institution. Philip is a graduate of PECI and is enrolled at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and is taking a bachelor of Commerce honours degree in marketing.
Wellington Rotary Scholarship 2016-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Tickets Now Available!

Grape Balls of Fire!  Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration
October 22, 2016  

Tickets are $85/person. Now available at Wellington Home Hardware, Picton MacDougall Insurance Office, from Wellington Rotary members, call Lana @(613)827-6655 or Barry @ (613)-403-0104. 
Click on the poster below for more details:
Tickets Now Available! Phyo Kyi 2016-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Annual West Africa Project Fair

announcing an upcoming trip to Port Harcourt, Nigeria, West Africa inOctober 2016 to participate in a polio immunization exerciseattend the 11th Annual West Africa Project Fair, and engage in a hands-on work project.  Attached is detailed trip information.  Please feel free to share this information with the Rotarians in your club as soon as possible as we have a limited amount of space and expect this trip to be filled in the next week or two.
October 18 – 26, 2016
Port Harcourt, Nigeria, West Africa 
$1,629, double occupancy
See Details Here:   WAPF16.PDF
Annual West Africa Project Fair Mike Lattner 2016-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Share the Gift of Water

The Wellington Rotary donated funds to the Toronto Eglinton Rotary Club in support of Rotary International's Bugiri Water Sanitation & Hygene (WASH) project in Uganda.  The initiative is being undertaken in collaboration with the Ntinda Rotary Club in Uganda, and is called the WASH in Schools project.  The project calls for:
-construction of 60 latrine stances
-building 18 rainwater harvesting systems.
-drilling 3 boreholes
-installing hand-washing facilities with soap
-a number of community and school support programs-child and teacher training, menstrual   hygiene management, school health clubs, training in O&M (operations and maintenance) 
Share the Gift of Water Phyo Kyi 2016-08-04 04:00:00Z 0

2016 Rotary Scholarship

Posted on Jul 06, 2016
David Forsyth is presented with a Wellington Rotary Scholarship cheque from President Michael Lattner in July 2016. David was one of two CML Snider graduates who won Wellington Rotary scholarships in June 2012.  Two CML scholarships are awarded annually by Wellington Rotary with payment of $500 each made when the student graduates from a secondary school and has been accepted for studies at a post-secondary institution. David is enrolled at Queen’s University and is taking a BSCH Kinesiology.
2016 Rotary Scholarship Reg Gemmell 2016-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Rib Fest

Annually, on Canada Day, in addition to entering a float in the Parade,  the Wellington Rotary Club provides a RibFest for the celebrations in Wellington Park, with proceeds targeted for various charitable causes and service projects in the County, Nationally and Internationally.
Here are some fun moments from Parades of past years:
Here are some pictures from past Rib-Fest:
Rotary Rib Fest 2016-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Wine Celebration - Grape Balls of Fire

The Wellington Rotary Wine Celebration Dinner is an annual event in support of various charitable causes in Prince Edward County.  The evening includes tastings from various wineries and cheese makers in Prince Edward County.  A silent and live auction is also featured, as well as a full course white-linen dinner accompanied by music entertainment.  Each year focuses on a different theme, with guests encouraged to dress in period attire.
In 2015 the event was dubbed "Grape Gatsby",  featuring music and attire of the roaring '20s.  The evening was attended by over 85 patrons, and great fun was had by all.  The event raised $8400 for the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Fund.
For 2016, the event will be held on October 22nd, and themed "Grape Balls of Fire", featuring music and attire from the '50s.  Proceeds from the evening will support the Storehouse Foodbank and the Wellington Community Gardens.
Tickets will be available at Nash's Home Hardware and McDougall's Insurance office on Main Street in Wellington, as well as from Wellington Rotary Members. 
Rotary Wine Celebration - Grape Balls of Fire 2016-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

2016 Canada Day Celebrations

Oh Canada, eh!
Rotary Club participated in Wellington Canada Day Parade, and provided delicious Ribs in the Park as a fundraiser as well as for civic fellowship.
2016 Canada Day Celebrations Phyo Kyi 2016-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

Diners & Duffers Value Book
Better than ever in 2017

This is the 15th year that the Welllington Rotary Club has offered the Diners & Duffers books.
The books are a major fundraiser to support our local community projects.
The price of the book is $35 and the value of the coupons is $3500 for the year.
The value in the book is better than ever.
There are now special deals with:
37 restaurants
9 wineries and breweries
2 theaters
19 golf courses
Wellington Restaurants
East & Main Bistro
Picton Restaurants
The Waring House
County Canteen
Angry Bird's Rotisserie Chicken
The Restaurant on the Knoll
The Bean Counter
The Beck and Call
Bloomfield Restaurants
Diners & Duffers Value Books are available from March 2017 and are available at:
Wellington Home Hardware
McDougall Insurance, Wellington & Picton
any Wellington Rotarian
Restaurant coupons are valid until March 31, 2018
Golf coupons are valid until October 31, 2017
Diners & Duffers Value Book Better than ever in 2017 John Inwood 2016-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
Presentation to PECMHF from Proceeds of Grape Gatsby Wine Celebration Event Reg Gemmell 2015-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

Millennium Trail Upgrade Project

Posted on Jul 14, 2015
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The Millennium Trail is an important feature of Prince Edward County that was underused. The purpose of our project was to make the trail more suitable for walkers, joggers, cyclists, ATV’s and snowmobiles. While the Trail is 49km long, extending from Carrying Place to Picton, the initial project improved 11 km in and around Wellington, from Danforth Road to Highway 33 east of the village.  The project had the support of the Prince Edward County Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture.   
Millennium Trail Upgrade Project 2015-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Bottle Depot

Bottle Recycling Crew in Action.

Location:   the old mill on Second Street in the middle of Wellington
Hours:       Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9:00am till 1:00pm
Beer, wine and liquor bottles and containers qualify for normal refund to you.
For large quantities it would be appreciated if you sorted by type and count them.
Wellington Rotary Bottle Depot 2015-07-13 04:00:00Z 0
Nine & Dine Annual Golf Tournament 2015 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary and Literacy Month

Posted by Sharon Campbell on Mar 08, 2015
March is International Rotary Literacy Month.  
Literacy is about our ability to read, write, speak, listen and understand.  There is a literacy aspect to almost everything we do in daily life.  World-wide in 2014, more than 775 million people over the age of fifteen were illiterate.   Rotary International and individual Rotary Clubs undertake many projects that promote the concept of literacy, with the month of March designated to provide a special emphasis on this cause.
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world.  Love of books is the best of all.”  Jacqueline Kennedy
This year, to celebrate and support literacy in the Prince Edward County community, the Rotary Club of Wellington has chosen four projects to encourage children to become more familiar with the many gifts that enjoying books can bring. Here they are;
Rotary and Literacy Month Sharon Campbell 2015-03-09 00:00:00Z 0
Wellington Village Santa Claus Parade 2014-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Wine Celebration -Some Silent Auction Items

Cottage Stay in South of France
Chateau Canet
2 people – 7 day winery stay
Value $1300   (contact Victoria)
Clearwater Design
Value $700
(contact Ian Crerar or Michelle Laframboise
B&B Stay
Twin Birch Cottages
Value $300
contact Alex Lacher
B&B Stay
Colleen Cottage
Value $240
contact Rita Taylor
Pet Portrait
Laurel McBrine
Value $400
Pool & Patio Toys
BonaVista LeisureScape
Value $400
contact Jennifer Gannon
Wine Celebration -Some Silent Auction Items 2014-07-01 00:00:00Z 0

Wine Celebration - Optional Extra - on Saturday, August 9

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Treat yourself to an afternoon wine tour on Saturday, August 9 and leave the driving to Sandbanks Vacation and Tours.
Spend the afternoon touring four wineries and tantalizing your taste buds with twelve wines from Rosehall Run, By Chadsey;s Cairns, Harwood Estates and Closson Chase.
Complimentary pick-up at 1:00pm and drop off at 5:00pm at the Wellington Community Centre.
Cost: $85/pp +HST.
For more information on Sandbank Vacations & Tours go to Links - Optional Tours on right hand side of this page.
Wine Celebration - Optional Extra - on Saturday, August 9 2014-05-21 00:00:00Z 0

Prince Edward County Rotary Wine Celebration

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The Rotary Club of Wellington continues to support the upgrading of the Millennium Trail. To raise funds for more work this fall, in collaboration with members of the Prince Edward County Winegrowers Association, Rotary is hosting the PEC Rotary Wine Celebration on Saturday, August 9, 2014 at the Wellington Community Centre. Highlights include:
  • wine & cheese tasting
  • hors d'oeuvre & dinner catering by Chef Michael Hoy
  • dance music by Little Bluff
  • silent auction
 Please visit the participating winery and cheese factory websites. They are listed on the right side of this page under the "Links" heading.
Prince Edward County Rotary Wine Celebration 2014-05-19 00:00:00Z 0
About Rotary Wine Celebration 2014-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary and The Rotary Foundation

Posted by David Smith on Mar 10, 2014
Wellington Rotary has been supportive of a number of worthy Rotary Foundation projects over the past several years. Our most recent one locally has been to work with the Quinte Sunrise Club to contribute to the work of Camp Trillium on West Lake. With additional support from the Belleville Club, three years ago, we replaced the Main Dock at the camp, and then we combined to purchase a Generator in the following year.  These are examples of District Grant projects.
In International projects, working with the Belleville Club, we have participated in installing a Bio-digester at a public school in western Kenya, near the village of Kapseret. This project was to help improve sanitation at the school where toilets and running water were non-existent. In the current year, we are awaiting approval of a project initiated by the Toronto Eglinton club to build several 30,000 litre water tanks at schools also in western Kenya.  These are examples of Global Grant projects.
Aside from the Annual Fund contributions, our club regularly contributes to the Rotary International Polio-eradication project. This project has been running since 1985 and has the end objective of eliminating the scourge of Polio everywhere in the world. As of the date of writing, there are now only 3 Polio-endemic countries left in the world, so the program has been immensely successful, and we believe the end is within reach. For more on this program, please go to the Rotary International website.
Wellington Rotary and The Rotary Foundation David Smith 2014-03-10 04:00:00Z 0
Visit Wellington Rotary On Facebook Reg Gemmell 2014-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary Completes $50,000 Committment to The Wellington & District Community Centre

Posted by Sharon Campbell
Renowned Rotarian, Paul Harris, once wrote, “The power of combined effort knows no limitation.  When we work together, the impossible becomes the possible”.  This belief was a driving force in the successful creation of the new Wellington and District Community Centre.
In August, 2009, the Fundraising Chair and Wellington Councillor, Jim Dunlop, approached Pierre LeBrun, treasurer of the Rotary Club of Wellington, about a contribution to the project.  Rotary members enthusiastically committed to a total donation of $50,000 over five years, beginning with its first payment of $10,000 on August 25, 2009.  Following the club’s unofficial slogan, “We don’t just donate, we participate”, a portion of the total donation was raised through the installation of name plaques on arena seats by Wellington Rotary members.
Through the efforts of Nancy Baldwin, as Chair of Event Fundraising, and Jim Dunlop, Fundraising Chair, $1.2 million was raised for the new facility.  During the planning and work of these committees, Rotary Club of Wellington was represented by member, Pierre LeBrun.
The final payment by the club has now been presented and members thank the community for so generously supporting the club’s fund raising activities, particularly donations at the Wellington Bottle Depot, which made this sizeable contribution possible.
Wellington Rotary Completes $50,000 Committment to The Wellington & District Community Centre Sharon Campbell 2013-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Wellington Rotary's Bottle Recycling Depot

Location:   the old mill on Second Street in the middle of Wellington
Hours:       Wednesdays and Saturdays    9:00am till 1:00pm
Beer, wine and liquor bottles and containers qualify for normal refund to you.
For large quantities it would be appreciated if you sorted by type and count them.
Wellington Rotary's Bottle Recycling Depot 2013-08-12 00:00:00Z 0

9th Annual Golf Tournament - June 14, 2013

Posted by Reg Gemmell on Jun 02, 2013
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9th Annual
Wellington Rotary Club
Golf Tournament
Friday, June 14, 2013

Proceeds in support of community charities and projects

Wellington-on-the-Lake Golf Course
Registration at 12:30pm
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
$90.00 per person
includes: 18 holes of golf with cart - steak dinner

Applications (with entry fee) can be submitted at the Wellington Scotiabank or Wellington Home Hardware

For more information please contact Gary @ 613-920-5738 or at AGDYKE@GMAIL.COM

9th Annual Golf Tournament - June 14, 2013 Reg Gemmell 2013-06-03 00:00:00Z 0
Electroinics Recycling Day - Sunday, May 5, 2013 Brian McGowan 2013-04-16 00:00:00Z 0
A Short Illustrated History of Wellington Rotary Sharon Campbell 2011-11-17 00:00:00Z 0
Visit Wellington Rotary Beach Reg Gemmell 2011-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

The Lakeshore Track

Posted by Reg Gemmell on Oct 11, 2010
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Wellington Rotary has committed a donation of $7000 towards the Wellington Public School Running Track. This commitment is made to The Lakeshore Track Association, represented by Lisa Lindsay, who have engaged the school board, the County, and the general public in supporting the project. Wellington Rotary's commitment is based on the project officially beginning in 2010/2011 with a payment of $3500 in Rotary's year 2010/2011 and $3500 in 2011/2012. Wellington Rotary's donation is for the Line Painting part of the project.counter on tumblr
The Lakeshore Track Reg Gemmell 2010-10-12 00:00:00Z 0
Canada Post Celebrates Rotary Reg Gemmell 2009-10-11 00:00:00Z 0

Bottle Recycling Depot

Posted by Reg Gemmell
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 Location: the old mill on Second Street, Wellington
 Hours of operation: Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:00am till 1:00pm
 Beer, wine and liquor bottles and containers qualify for normal refund to you.
 For large quantities it would be appreciated if you sorted by type and count them ahead of arriving at the depot.
 1. Separate the cans and beer bottles and count them.  
 2. For beer bottles, separate the standard re-usable brown twist-top bottles from other types
 3. For wine bottles, separate the dark bottles and clear bottles.
Bottle Recycling Depot Reg Gemmell 0

Wellington Rotary Donates to Haiti

Posted by Reg Gemmell
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As of Feb 11 the club has donated three shelter boxes to the Haiti relief effort. The amount donated now totals $3090. This includes a Feb 11 donation of $1590 including donations from members and a donation from CML Snider Public School students from a hot dog lunch sale.
Wellington Rotary Donates to Haiti Reg Gemmell 0

Wellington & District Community Centre

Posted by Reg Gemmell
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The club has pledged $50,000 over five years (2010 to 2014) to the new community centre project Fundraising for this pledge will be ongoing.

Wellington & District Community Centre Reg Gemmell 0
Honduras Clean Water Project Reg Gemmell 0