Roger Tessier

On the north east shore of Lake Ontario is a peninsula that is Prince Edward County, total population of about 25,000, a shoreline of 800 kilometres, rural in nature with the recent addition of a flourishing viticulture. One of three small population centres in The County is the village of Wellington, with about 2,000 inhabitants. In early 2002, a small group in the village began to explore the possibility of forming a Rotary Club, hoping to establish a service profile because of the area’s increasing role as a retirement destination and a growing interest in the fledgling wine industry.
After several months of meetings with members of the nearby Rotary Club of Picton (formed in 1943, providing lots of experience and guiding wisdom), the Rotary Club of Wellington received its Charter in November, 2002, with its first president, Jim Bancroft, presiding. The evening celebrated its twenty founding members. At the time, the new club was grateful for the support and interaction of several neighbouring clubs and this close relationship and co-operation continue.
This year, the Club is celebrating its 20 year anniversary, and we have become a significant service club for the community, with our "Service Above Self" and "We Don't Just Donate, We Participate" motto.