Rotary Meeting Notes - Oct 31
There were 29 members in attendance for the Club Forum.
Thank you letters for donations were received from the Guatemalan Literacy request and from Peta Hall for $2,000 for her work in Ghana.
Yvonne presented the September financial report, details of which are available on line:
- The bottle depot net income for September
- The dinner/dance/auction net income
- The adjusted balance in the General + Foundation accounts
- The hospital account
Mike moved that the report be accepted, Peter seconded it, carried.
Lyn reported that the Rotary Club of Brighton have asked us to brief them on the organization of our Community Appreciation Day.
Norm reported on a number of initiatives:
- All children at CML Snider have the Reading program information and he is trying to get it further distributed in the Counties in our area.
- He has received proposals from two authors for Storybook Walk books for next spring. Lyn has offered storage area for the stands to be refurbished over the winter.
- He has asked several organizations for the names of disadvantaged youths for whom our Club could provide assistance with participation in various activities:
- Cynthia Riordan at the Storehouse Foodbank.
- CML Snider
- Picton high school
- Get Grounded is a mental health program being investigated.
- D&D books for March 2024 are being developed. Tourism was down 25% last year so it affected our sponsors. We have lost 8 sponsors. To help hime recruit new sponsors, Norm passed around a sheet on which members were asked to indicate if they had a contact at a potential business.
Christine announced that she is maintaining our Facebook page and she has opened a new Instagram account. The access code number to join is Rotary971.
Peter advised that we have had two new members this year with a third in process.
Dave Robinet announced again that the cost of breakfast had to increase to $25/month to cover our expanded menu and guest breakfasts. A show of hands agreed with this change.
Lyn announced that Dave Robinet has agreed to assume the position of Club Archivist in which he will digitize our records.
Our Club Christmas party date has been moved to Friday, December 15 when the facility will be available. It will be a potluck at the WOTL facility. There will be a Tuesday Club meeting that week.
Lyn announced that the Rotary Club of Brighton will donate $500 towards our beach mat project and that a District grant has been approved for the project; the amount of which depends on how many other Clubs join the project.
Lyn announced funding that had been approved by the Board and recommendation of several others:
- $500 for the Quinte Regional Science Fair
- $1,000 for the Laos water project. Moved by Howard, seconded by Michelle, carried.
- $1,000 for PELA Victim Services. Moved by Mike, seconded by Peter, carried.
- $1,000 for Hospice Prince Edward. Moved by Dawn, seconded by Pierre, carried.
- $1,500 for the The ROC Youth Services. Moved by Michelle, seconded by Colin, carried.
- $2,000 for the Legion’s Get Off The Street program. Moved by Michelle, seconded by Colin, carried.
Lyn announced that the Rotary Club of Picton is holding a Ukrainian Dinner Evening 5-9 pm, Saturday November 18 for which all proceeds will go to Ukraine for medical supplies and relief programs for children. She encouraged our members to join her and make a Wellington table in support of the Picton Club.
Peter announced that high speed internet has now been installed in the Legion. The password for Linkup 17354 is bvbrzqqptb.
Peter announced poppies are on sale from now until November 11. The schedule for Remembrance Day is:
- Church service at the United Church at 10 am
- Procession to the cenotaph.
- Cenotaph service at 10:45
- Reception at the Legion following the service.
Dawn is organizing the Spelling Bee and she said she was disappointed after presenting to the Rotary Club of Picton that she had no response to a request for a Picton volunteer to attend Picton’s St. Gregory’s school for their event.
Norm reported that our Club has been asked if it would like to conduct electronic recycling next, with assistance from Adam Busscher, owner of the Picton Home Hardware, who has been doing it recently. Adam would arrange for the bins to be dropped in Wellington wherever we would choose. Previously when we did it, we collected in the arena parking lot. Our Club would just have to provide 3-4 strong people from 10-2pm. We would expect to receive about $1,500 for our effort from the recycling company that picks up the bins. A motion to conduct the recycling was made by Norm, seconded by John Heeringa, carried. Norm agreed to be the lead for this project, and Mike and Peter offered to assist.
Christine encouraged members to come to a “Happy Thanksmas” Turkey dinner at the Hillier Hall that she is organizing Sunday, November 12, 4:30-6:30. Goodwill offerings will be appreciated.
Jacques’ number was drawn for the 50:50, but he did not draw the ace of spades.
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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week