Edition: June 11, 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Yvonne Buys

Club Bulletin for week of June 11, 2024
This Week: John Hatch

(OPP Picton Detachment Commander)

President's Message

Don’t you just love the cycles to the year? How boring it would be, if everything was always the same.
June, in particular, is an exciting month. Kids and teachers are pumped because the school year is almost over and the summer break is just around the corner. Only a few things to get through first – like exams, report cards, graduation and award ceremonies, signing yearbooks.
In Rotary world, too, June is a particularly exciting month. The District 7070 Training Assembly took place on the first weekend in June. This educational and networking event is mandatory for Club Presidents-Elect and open to other incoming board members. In addition to the review and approval of the District Budget for the coming year, there are a number of breakout session devoted to specific board roles and tools, such as Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, How to Run a Board Meeting, How to Use Social Media, and Club Runner. Later in the month, the District Awards and Changeover Ceremony will take place on June 20th. This event celebrates the accomplishments of clubs in the district and the torch will be formally passed from this year’s DG John Burns, to his successor DGE Virginia O’Reilly.
Closer to home, we still have a few noteworthy events ahead of us as another Rotary year winds down. Thursday of this week is our annual Rotary Golf Tournament, which promises to be another very successful fundraiser, and lots of fun. Next Monday, June 17th at 7 pm, is the last of the planned events in our Wellness Series. This one, titled “The Power of Social Connections for Better Health” will feature speakers Laura McGugan from Community Care for Seniors and Ann Van Vlack from The County Foundation. Finally, the Past President’s Dinner is coming up on June25th, an event I always look forward to.
On a personal note, I hope to be able to join you in person for this Tuesday’s meeting. I’m gradually “graduating” to walking with a cane! I’d like to once again express my profound gratitude to PP Ken for stepping up to take over for me during my recuperation. I think a standing ovation is called for.
Yours In Rotary,

Lyn McGowan
President, Rotary Club of Wellington

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Zoom Link for Tuesday's Rotary Meeting

For Rotarians and guests that are unable to attend our Tuesday Rotary meeting in person, we will open a zoom video conferencing session.  Here is the link:

Topic: Weekly Rotary Meeting
Time: June 11, 2024 07:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 6523 9453
Passcode: Rotary
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Last Week: Peta Hall & Lisa Reddick (Wellington Beautification)

Rotary Club of Wellington Meeting
June 04, 2024
Notes: Not Available
The meeting was called to order by past-President Ken at 7:05 am. . Ken recited a Rotary moment.
The Rotary Song and ‘O’ Canada’ were sung.  David Hawkins read the Rotary Prayer.  Breakfast was served.
Peta Hall and Lisa Reddick, representing the Wellington Community Association Town Beautification Initiative presented their ideas and plans for the coming months and the next couple of years.  They showed pictures of the painted benches that have been placed at various locations in town, and sample pictures of what they plan to implement next, such as murals, door painting, flowers, and art 'booths'.  They asked for our Club's support financially, and our members were enthused and supportive of their plans.
Club Business:
Bill Mitchell indicated he was all set with volunteers for the bottle depot.
Colin Fredericks provided an update on the plans for the Rotary golf day on June 13th.  All volunteers, donations, hole sponsors, prizes, etc, and dinner plans are set.
Yvonne reminded everyone about the Wellness session coming up on June 17th at 7 p.m. at the Wellington & District Community Center (Lehighhall)
John lnwood’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw however he failed to produce the ace of spades from the deck.
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Rotary Club Donates Proceeds of the Yard Sale to Storehouse Foodbank


Left to Right:  Pres Elect Roger Tessier, Norm Dodgson, Yvonne Buys, Cynthia from Storehouse Foodbank, Colin Fredricks

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50/50 Draw This Week: $55

We Start All Over Again!!

Make sure you get your ticket this week!

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday June 11, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: John Inwood, Peter Campbell, Alex Lacher(FoR)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Michelle Kosoy, Gregor Stuart
Needed: 1 Sorter/Receiver


Saturday June 15, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Phyo Kyi, Peter Campbell, Bill Pennell

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Trudy Brown, Martha Murphy, Lari Langford (FoR)

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Birthdays & Anniversaries




Member Anniversaries

Norm & Marilyn Dodgson
(49 Yrs June 14)
Dave & Mary Robinet
(51 Yrs June 16)
Bill & Karen Hurst
(57 Yrs June 17)
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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Jun 11, 2024
OPP Picton Detachment Commander
Jun 18, 2024
Wellness Project Strategic Planning discussion
Jun 25, 2024
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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