Edition: June 04, 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Yvonne Buys

Club Bulletin for week of June 04, 2024
This Week: Peta Hall & Lisa Reddick

(Wellington Beautification)

President's Message

The 2024 Rotary International Convention took place in Singapore during the past week. In his opening remarks, RI President Gordon McInally said, “Let us celebrate the incredible work that we have accomplished together, and let us look forward to the countless possibilities that lie ahead. Thank you, my friends, for your unwavering dedication, your boundless generosity, and your tireless commitment to the ideals of Rotary. May this international convention be a time of inspiration, of connection, and of transformation. And may we leave here more determined than ever to be the change that we wish to see in the world.”
RI President-Elect Stephanie Urchick introduced what will be her theme for next year – The Magic of Rotary. In her closing remarks, PE Urchick said “belonging is The Magic of Rotary … committing ourselves to each other’s well-being allows us to spread Positive Peace in these troubled times.” She urges us all to come together as a family and change the world by embracing and celebrating The Magic of Rotary. She referenced the earlier RI Convention in Singapore, 25 years ago, where Rotary Peace Fellowships were first announced. Since that time, more than 1800 peace fellows have graduated from Rotary Peace Centres and are working in more than 140 countries for a better world.
RI General Secretary and CEO John Hewko spoke about the importance of creating clubs that meet current and potential members’ needs, creating environments that people want to be a part of. He noted 510 Rotary clubs and 493 Rotaract clubs have been chartered this Rotary year, compared to a goal of 1000 new clubs. So, target met! And we’ve welcomed more than 115,000 new Rotary members this year, compared to an ambitious goal of 150,000 new members. There, we’ve come up 23% short of target - but very impressive results, nonetheless.
Closer to home, the District 7070 District Assembly took place this weekend and Virginia O’Reilly was introduced as the incoming District Governor for next year. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend this time around, but I certainly learned a lot at last year’s Assembly and met many Rotarians from across the district. I even got to hear our very own Roger Tessier share pointers on how to run an effective meeting. So, I know we’re in good hands for next year.
Yours In Rotary,

Lyn McGowan
President, Rotary Club of Wellington

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Zoom Link for Tuesday's Rotary Meeting

For Rotarians and guests that are unable to attend our Tuesday Rotary meeting in person, we will open a zoom video conferencing session.  Here is the link:

Topic: Weekly Rotary Meeting
Time: June 04, 2024 07:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 6523 9453
Passcode: Rotary
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Last Week: Club Forum

Rotary Club of Wellington Meeting
May 28, 2024
Notes by Chris Compeau
The meeting was called to order by past-President Ken at 7:05 am. 31 Rotarians were present plus 2 on Zoom. Ken recited a Rotary moment – he indicated that this week the international Rotary convention in Singapore takes place – He reported a convention ‘spotlight on mental health’ and quoted a youth who survived emotional trauma and depression.
The Rotary Song and ‘O’ Canada’ were sung.  David Hawkins read the Rotary Prayer.  Breakfast was served.
Ken reported that Robynne Smith had agreed to take over the role of Director of Communications from Christine Dimitris.
Chris reported, in his capacity as Secretary, on the notes and emails received and sent over the past month.
Treasurer Report:
Yvonne provided a comprehensive Treasurers report for the month of April.  Norm moved to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by John Heeringa; carried unanimously.
We are still looking for a major fundraising event to support in the coming year.
Norm reported that the D and D booklets sales have been gradually tapering off.  He estimates @ $10,000-11,000 profit from the sales.  He encouraged anyone with booklets to bring in the money (or unsold booklets) ASAP.  He noted that Mary Camp will be helping him in the coming year with the D and D project.
Ken reported on the recent Rotary Yard Sale and thanked both Yvonne and Lyn for spearheading this initiative.  Yvonne noted that the yard sale was more successful than she could have anticipated.  She projected that more than $4,000 was generated for our local foodbank.  She thanked all Rotarians for their support with donations, assistance with setup and help with cleanup.
Ken indicated that the spring Rotary Golf Tournament has been sold out.  He reported that approximately 30 hole sponsors have been secured and thanked Tim Cox for personally obtaining 6 new hole sponsors for the event.
Christine noted that there have been positive Facebook posts regarding the beach mat installation.  Christine also noted that Corey published a great article regarding the beach mat in the Welliington Times.  Both Trudy and Margo reported having seen a segment regarding this event on Kingston Global News.
Peter reported that Gregor Stewart has completed his application package to join our Rotary Club.
Club Administration:
Trudy and Chris indicated that one week positions at PEFAC and the HUBB summer camps have been set aside for children (age 5-12 years) who will be sponsored by our Rotary.  We will identify eligible children for enrollment in the coming week.
Roger reported that a fellowship barbecue will be hosted by Pierre and Connie Lebrun sometime in the summer and more fellowship dinner events will resume sometime in the fall.
Norm reported that the story boards for the story book walk have been relocated to the boardwalk where he has noted that the public response has been outstanding.  He thanked Yvonne for recommending that the story boards be moved to this location.
Norm reported on the spelling bee.  He indicated that Dawn will be co-chairing this event going forward and has requested support from fellow Rotarians.  Trudy noted that this is a special annual event that we should make every effort to maintain.
Norm indicated that Thomas Rice, the student from PECI who was our sponsor for RYLS, completed the symposium.  He was nervous about discussing his experience in public however he will express his feelings regarding this event via email
Norm explained that a board decision was made to have both $1,000 Rotary scholarships be issued to PECI graduate students (given the fact that @90% of Wellington postgraduate students attend PECI).
Norm noted that the next electronics recycling event has been scheduled for October 6th.
Ken noted that the Past President’s Dinner is fast approaching on June 25th.  Tickets are $50 per person.  Members are able to bring their own alcohol as the event will be at Wellington on the Lake Recreation Centre.  He circulated a sign-up sheet for members to note their plan to attend.
Ken and Luanne will be taking the initiative of decorating the Canada Day Rotary Float this year.  The theme will be ‘country’ with plans for Canada cowboy hats and country music etc.
Ken requested that a committee be established in order to organize a ceremony at the Rotary Memorial Garden to honour our recently deceased members.  Howard volunteered (with the support of several other Rotarians).
New initiatives:
Ken provided an update and overview on the work of the wellness committee.  He noted that the committee had two general initiatives at the beginning of the Rotary year.  The first was to secure provincial funding to establish a nurse practitioner-lead clinic in Wellington in order to address the shortage of family physicians in our community.  Unfortunately this nurse practitioner initiative did not receive provincial funding.  The second initiative was to educate the community via the establishment of a lecture series focused on preventative health and wellness issues.  To date there have been three wellness presentations (Blue Zones, nutrition, cancer prevention) with attendance ranging from 30-60 persons per event.  Trudy remarked that this poor attendance calls into question whether the Rotary is getting value for its money with these events.  Ken and David Mackinnon noted that if even a few people derived health benefit from these sessions then it should be considered a success.
Margo provided a brief update on the Home Share initiative.  A needs survey will be circulated at both an upcoming seniors event as well as through the Community Care for Senior’s organization.
Funding Requests:
Ken presented a request from 99.3 County FM to support the upcoming Radiothon   Michelle moved that our Rotary club donate $1,000 to support this initiative; seconded by Pierre; carried unanimously.
Ken presented a request from the Wellington United Church Kids Camp.  Yvonne moved that our Rotary club donate $500 to support this initiative; seconded by Chris; carried unanimously.
Ken reported that the board had received a request for $5,000 to repair the roof of the County Arts mobile stage.  This request was not supported by the board members.  There was no discussion.
Ken noted that in our original budget we had assigned $2,000 for EREY and $750 for Polio-plus.  Tim felt that the concept of paying money towards a Paul Harris Award (vs meritorious service) was philosophically wrong.  Christine moved that $2,000 be given to the EREY program; seconded by Howard; carried unanimously with one abstention.  David moved that $750 be donated to the Rotary Polio-plus program; seconded by Norm; carried unanimously.
Lyn reported a follow-up on the District grant qualification process.  Two club members are required to take the online course in order to access district grant money.  John Heeringa and Martha Murphy had taken the course however John took the online course too soon.  Lyn subsequently took the course to ensure our club’s access to district grant funding.
Peter Campbell’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw however he failed to produce the ace of spades from the deck.
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Rotary Club Volunteers at the CML Snider Fun Day for the Students

Left to Right:  Burger Flipper Phyo, Servers Colin, Mary, Trudy, & Lana

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50/50 Draw This Week: $62

We Start All Over Again!!

Make sure you get your ticket this week!

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday June 04, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: John Inwood, William Mulholland, Dave Wallace (FoR)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, Lari Langford (FoR), Reg LaPierre (FoR)


Saturday June 08, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, Rick & Sharon Bobzener (FoR)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, 1 Sorter/Receiver, Doug Henderson (FoR)

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Birthdays & Anniversaries




Member Anniversaries

Pierre & Connie LeBrun
(53 Yrs June 05)
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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Jun 04, 2024
Wellington Beautification
Jun 11, 2024
OPP Picton Detachment Commander
Jun 18, 2024
Wellness Project Strategic Planning discussion
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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