There were 27 members in attendance and three on Zoom for our monthly admin meeting.
Chris advised that we received thank you letters from organizations to which we had made donations: The ROC, The Legion, Hospice Prince Edward and a school in Iqaluit, and New Year well wishes from the Mayor and the Hospital Foundation. We also received a refund of unused funding for a project in Burundi, lead by the Rotary Club of Markham-Sunrise.
Lyn said that we are invited to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville who are holding a gala to celebrate their 100 year anniversary.
Yvonne presented a financial report for November and December. Full details are available on our website. The Bottle Depot is earning income equal to our budget. There were no major items of note in these two months. At the end of December, the net General Account = $20,703 and the Hospital Account = $16,040. Yvonne made a motion to accept her report, Phyo seconded it, carried.
Lyn brought to the attention of the members the “Rule of 85” that can be invoked to help the Club and members to maintain their official attendance records. If members’ age and years of service equal 85 or more, their absence from the meeting can be excused if they advise the Secretary that they will be absent. We have eleven members in this category.
Fundraising Reports:
Lyn said that we have no current fundraising target but she asked members who had fundraising events to report.
Norm reported that our collection of 1.5 bins of electronic recycling was a new record for the event. Because some old TV’s are so heavy, he will recruit some young strong people fro assist us for our next drive in October.
Norm reported that 270 of the 300 D&D books have been requested by our members for sale.
Yvonne reported that maple syrup bottling will be in the first week of March. She already has orders for 425 of our 1,000 target. A brief discussion about us poaching too much on local maple syrup sellers was dismissed since we are such a small player in the market and some of our sales are out of town.
Yvonne and Chris are willing to hold a Rotary Yard Sale on the last weekend in May at their farm. If raining, it could be moved into their barn. It was suggested that the Storehouse Foodbank might be the beneficiary.
Christine reported on Communications:
There has been publicity about our electronic recycling drive and our maple syrup project.
A suggestion about buying advertising for the Club on the Dukes hockey rink boards for $1,200 was discussed but not adopted. Because we have intentions to pay $25,000 for the renewal naming of the Rotary Room in the arena, Ken said that we are doing enough for the Dukes. If we wanted to donate to a hockey team, Pierre suggested to give to the minor hockey program.
Norm reported on Literacy & Education:
A student has been chosen by PECI for us to sponsor and send to the Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium in April.
The book, “Magical Yet” has been chosen for this spring’s Storybook Walk to be distributed in the refurbished holders in April. If Trail construction for the pipeline proceeds this summer, a different path can be chosen for locating the holders.
PECI has been requested to expand the Free Reading Program.
Dawn is managing the Spelling Bee competition. She has added some schools.
Peter reported on Membership:
Our membership stands at 43 plus 36 Friends of Rotary.
There are two potential members coming to future meetings.
Ken reported on the Breakfast Committee:
The $25 weekly charge appears to be coving our costs.
No further consideration is being given to having a chef prepare a full breakfast because there are so many members who do not eat anything and the current fare seems to satisfy the members.
Lyn reported on Family /Day:
Three potential soup providers were covered by member solicitors.
Tim reminded soup providers to bring heavy-duty extension cords to connect their heating devices.
Lyn has extra cords if needed.
Ken reported that we may have funding for the Beach Mat by the supplier of the resin used in its manufacture. The supplier wants a demonstration project in Ontario and we have suggested that it be ours.
Margo gave another update on a potential HomeShare project. From a meeting yesterday attended by five Rotary members, Queens University data managers, the County Foundation and the County, it was confirmed that the County would be taking the lead by hiring a staff person to run the program and manage the liability that some Rotary members were concerned about when the idea was floated a few years ago. More details may be explained in our meeting February 13 if the participants are ready to describe the program at that time. Rotary may be asked to be involved in preliminary fund raising. A “needs assessment” survey is expected to be the first step to confirm the attractiveness of the program.
David MacKinnon reported on the Wellness Committee:
There is a lecture planned for the Leigh Arena on March 19.
Agreement has been reached with several organizations to be involved with the Committee:
Wellington Community Association
Bluezone (It employs evidence-based solutions to help people live better, longer.)
Community Care for Seniors
The seriousness to do something about our application for nurse practitioners is demonstrated by the situation in Salt Ste Marie where doctors retiring have left 10,000 people without a medical practioner.
Ken made a motion for $1,000 to support the Wellness Committee, seconded by John Inwood, carried.
Funding Requests:
Christine made a motion to provide $1,200 to Shelter Box for a unit in Gaza, seconded by Kim. When Pierre pointed out that the war in Gaza probably made it impossible for a unit to be delivered there, Ken made an amendment, seconded by David MacKinnon, to remove Gaza as a destination. Ken said that our Club has made a donation to Shelter Box each year, so his amendment is for Shelter Box to choose the location for the unit. The motion passed.
Margo made a motion to provide Community Care for Seniors $1,000 for their operation, following their presentation to us, seconded by Mike, carried.
Norm described a modification that PECI is making to their library to accommodate books for Grades 4, 5 & 6 that will cost $20,000. He made a motion to provide $2,000 for this project, seconded by Mary, carried.
Fellowship dinners are progressing as reported Roger.
Kim’s number was drawn for the 50:50, but he did not draw the ace of spades.