The meeting was called to order at 7:07 am by President Lyn. There were 23 rotary members in attendance as well as guest speaker Jennifer Loner from Hospice PEC.
President Lyn welcomed all in attendance and provided an informative and inspirational ‘rotary moment’.
O Canada was sung and a prayer was spoken by David Hawkins.
A request for an update on any health issues among members was made. Pierre reported that Reg Gemmel was briefly hospitalized for a respiratory ailment last week. Lyn reported that Shawn Ellis is unable to attend today due to a lung infection.
Lyn circulated a signup sheet for the upcoming Community Service luncheon.
Tim reported that he will be leaving on a 10 week trip to Australia and offered up any interested rotarian Wellington Dukes hockey tickets. The tickets were received by Pierre.
Roger reported great success with interest in the inaugural fellowship dinner program with 25 rotary members having signed up so far. He circulated a signup sheet for this once again and indicated that dinner dates and assignments will be made soon.
Christine provided the speaker introduction for Jennifer Loner from Hospice PEC and indicated that Jennifer is both a friend and a neighbour.
Jennifer lives in Hillier and has been a member of Hospice PEC only since June of last year. Hospice PEC is a charitable organization located in Picton that provides service to palliative clients and their families. In particular Hospice PEC focuses on assisting with quality of life measures, dignity in death, and grief and bereavement support.
There are both residential and community aspects to the Hospice program. The residential component consists of a 3 bed hospice located in Picton. Palliative clients are generally considered candidates for residential care when their activity level drops below approximately 30% of baseline. Once admitted, clients may survive days to months while receiving compassionate supportive care.
Since 2013, approximately 480 clients have received residential Hospice care. In addition, there is a community component to Hospice PEC. This involves grief and bereavement support, respite care, companionship, as well as social and emotional support for both palliative patients and their families. The funding for the Hospice PEC derives from donations (72%), LHIN financial support (26%), and grants (2%).
Jennifer highlighted the community volunteer program. There is a 13 week training program during which volunteers are taught the principles of companionship as well as social and emotional support to palliative patients and their families. There is an additional volunteer training component which focuses on grief and bereavement skills.
Jennifer also indicated that the Hospice provides a practical caregiver training program for family members. She encouraged all Rotarians in attendance to consider volunteering at the Hospice and provided numerous client testimonials. Jennifer also outlined upcoming Hospice fundraisers such as ‘hike and bike for Hospice’ in June and an annual summer golf tournament.
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Barry Davidson's visit to Rotary Club of Kona Mauka, Hawaii
For those of us who will be visiting various locations aroound the world, remember to visit Rotary Clubs in the area and exchange banners for fellowship, as Barry has done in Kona Mauka, Hawaii.
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50/50 Draw This Week: $528