Rotary meeting minutes January 7, 2025
Notes by Chris Compeau
The meeting was called to order by President Roger at 7:07 am. 33 Rotarians were present with 2 guests (speakers Adam Goheen and Elis Ziegler).
Jacques provided insight into why he joined the Rotary Club of Wellington. When he worked full time he was aware of various service clubs but was never a member. When he retired and moved to the County fulltime he looked into joining either the Picton or the Wellington Rotary Clubs. He ultimately decided that the Wellington club made most sense. He was sponsored by Geoff Telling. Soon after joining a fellow Rotarian greeted him from across Main Street –“Hi Jacques, it’s me, from Rotary”. It was then that he sensed the comradery and friendliness that truly exists within the club and he knew that he had made the right decision.
‘O’ Canada’ was sung. David Hawkins recited an invocation. Breakfast was served.
Liz introduced our guest speakers: Adam Goheen, director of housing for the County and Elis Ziegler, affordable housing supervisor for the County. Elis provided an overview of the housing department. They addressed some of the unique aspects of Prince Edward County with respect to affordable housing needs. They outlined the landscape of all residential options and emphasized that their focus is on affordable housing. It was noted that home prices have dropped since 2020 however rental prices have continued to rise. When addressing ‘what is affordable housing?’ they indicated that $69,000 per year is essentially what 2 people each making minimum wage would earn. With that income affordable rent would be approximately $1,700 per month, assuming 30% of income goes toward rent. However the standard rental rates in the county exceed $2,000 per month.
They outlined features of their ‘housing help program’. Specifically, they discussed housing stabilization, housing education, and rental inventory programs. The Leeward House was acknowledged as a valuable transitional housing site. The County offers transit support for residents in need. They also discussed elements of the ‘housing system support’ including a community safety and well-being plan, a hoarding action response team, as well as other initiatives such as ‘home sharing’.
Elis and Adam addressed several questions. They indicated that the identification of ground contaminants at the former Duke Dome site has limited development. Furthermore, Adam reported that once Provincial authorities provide the ‘go ahead’ on construction at the Duke D, there are currently no funds set aside for development! They also provided updates on the Disraeli St. and Queen Elizabeth School housing development projects.
Peter thanked Elis and Adam for their presentation.
Roger reported on the health of members:
John Inwood’s breathing difficulties have improved. Iza is having her cast removed this week.
Roger questioned how the pending Main Street road closures will impact our weekly meetings. Margo understood (via WOTL reports) that there will be full closures of Main Street from mid-January to mid-February. David MacKinnan and Ken both understood that there will be road access for local members.
John Inwood is celebrating a birthday on January 11th.
Iza’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw however she failed to pull the ace of spades.
The meeting concluded with the 4-way test.