Rotary Club of Wellington Meeting
May 14, 2024
Notes by Martha Murphy
30 members and 3 guests were in attendance.
A standing ovation was provided for President Lyn after surviving hip surgery!
Guest speaker Shelly Ackers, ED, Quinte Transit gave a presentation to the club.
Shelly advised that County Transit was provided by Quinte Transit and is a public transportation service to provide quick, easy, safe and affordable transportation for residents of Prince Edward County. Shelly advised that 3 services are offered: a fixed route, an on-demand route and a door-to-door option. Fares are based on zones and range between $7.00 and $14.00, depending on the destination.
New this year in partnership with Base 31, a Picton loop that will run Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Upcoming routes will include a Wellington on demand route with 3 bus stops. 75% of Quinte Transit is funded by Provincial Gas Tax and County grants but requires fundraising for 25% from donations to maintain the level of service offered. For more information on routes please visit their website or contact
Past President Ken reported that the beach mat project grand opening will be held Wednesday, May 15th at 3:00 pm and all are welcome to celebrate.
Colin reported that the golf tournament is completely sold out with a waiting list and will be held on June 13th. If you are interested in a hole sponsor sign please contact PP Ken.
David reminded members that the Wellington rotary wellness committee will be presenting to the club on May 21st.
Christine and Yvonne reminded folks that the Rotary garage sale will be held on Saturday May 25th from 7:30 am to noon. If you want to donate to the sale please do so by Friday, May 24th.
Birthday wishes to Robynne Smith, Roger Tessier and Tim Cox.
Happy buck comments were shared!
50/50 ticket was drawn by John Inwood, but he did not draw the Ace of Spades, so the pot continues...
Meeting adjourned with the four way test.