President Roger called the meeting to order, with 30 members in attendance and 3 guests.
Cathy again circulated the signup sheet for the Christmas party – this time looking for volunteers as well as potluck items.
Margo shared her Rotary Eureka moment. Her father was a Rotarian, so Margo grew up exposed to the Rotary Family Christmas Party in Ottawa and stuffing envelopes. When her father came down with cancer, which subsequently went into remission, he used his extra time to run Rotary’s national Adventures in Citizenship Program. She shared the conviction that “fathers made us what we are.” The late Rotarian Gil van Soelen was a neighbour of Margo’s mother. When Margo moved here to look after her mother, Gil urged her to attend a Rotary meeting with him. She joined in November 2012, when Howard was president for his first time around. She attended the Rotary Peace Conference when it was held in Toronto, has served on the Board in two different capacities and continues to serve on the Foundation Board. She particularly enjoys Happy Tooneys as there is always 100% participation and the sentiments expressed are always positive.
Roger passed along the information that Dawn’s father passed away this week. Our thoughts are with you, Dawn.
David McKinnon introduced our guests, Patrick and Jennifer Menard. Patrick and Jennifer shared their experience with Rotary Wheels for Learning, which is an initiative started by the Rotary Club of Gravenhurst. The project began with providing bicycles to children in war-torn Cambodia, but has since expanded into other areas. Last year, the project built and distributed 694 bicycles, 14 water filters, built 56 latrines, provided new mattresses for orphanages and school supplies. Last year Patrick and Jennifer spent 27 days in Cambodia and they noted that 100% of the money donated goes to the project. Volunteers pay all of their own expenses. The fundraising goal for 2024/25 is $41,560. They said the project has been running for 10 years and has distributed 10,000 bicycles.
Bottle Bill reported we need a cashier for Saturday 11-1 and Margo stepped up to cover the slot.
Mike reported that the Canadian curlers have won all but one match in Scotland.
President Roger inducted our newest member, Iza Hansen, who received a round of applause as her sponsor Jacques looked on proudly.
Bill Hurst gave a brief update on the County’s Homeshare Initiative. A representative from the County will be speaking to us in January on this topic. In the meantime, we’ve been asked to provide a letter of support to accompany a federal grant application. By show of hands, there was unanimous support.
Norm advised that a local candidate has been identified for the youth leadership program “Adventures in Citizenship”, and he thanked Howard, Chris, and “Good Ted” for moving the Storybook Walk stands from the beach to the barn for the winter.
Congratulations to Bill Hurst whose ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw and he picked the ace of spades!
The meeting concluded with the 4-way test.