Edition: June 25, 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Yvonne Buys

Club Bulletin for week of June 25, 2024
This Week: Past Presidents' Night


President's Message

Thank goodness the heat dome finally dissipated. Most of the past week was SO uncomfortable, and don’t get me started about the mosquitos! Fortunately, the rest of the month looks to be pretty reasonable.

On Tuesday, there is no morning meeting; instead we are getting together in the evening for the Past President’s Dinner. I always look forward to these events. A changing of the guard, of sorts. The outgoing president is often more relaxed than usual, as there are only a few days remaining in the current term. The incoming president is often excited to be gearing up, perhaps apprehensive, depending on their experience level. I know that won’t be the case this year, given Roger’s prior leadership roles. And, we find out who has been selected by the membership as Rotarian of the Year. It promises to be a fun evening.

Then, we head into Canada Day weekend. The Wellington Recreation Committee is excited to bring back the Wellington Street Dance and Fireworks Show, on June 30. The event starts at 5:30 pm with food trucks; live music by Cue the Funk will begin at 6:30 pm under the gazebo at Wellington Park. The evening wraps up with fireworks at dusk.

On Canada Day itself, The Wellington Community Market and Wellington United Church present the Canada Day Strawberry Social, starting at 9:30 am until sold out. Fresh local strawberries, cake and ice cream will be served.

Finally, the Canada Day Parade on Wellington Main Street. Ken and Norm and their families will be in charge of decorating the Rotary float, starting at 8:30 on Monday morning, with help from other Rotarians most welcome. Our float will have a country theme, so bring your cowboy hat. The parade will marshal at 10 a.m at the Wellington and District Community Centre (111 Belleville Street) and the parade starts at 10:30.

Let’s make some noise and have some fun!

Have a great week!

Lyn McGowan
President, Rotary Club of Wellington

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Last Week: Report from Wellness Committee

Rotary Club of Wellington Meeting
June 18, 2024
Notes by Chris Compeau

The meeting was called to order by President Lyn at 7:07 am

30 Rotarians were present plus 1 on Zoom.

Lyn provided a Rotary moment.

‘O’ Canada’ was sung.

David Hawkins read an invocation.

Breakfast was served.

Lyn provided an update on health of members:

Ken reported that Luane badly sprained her ankle and is wearing a boot.

Roger reported that Cathy injured her knee at the recent golf tournament.

Bill Mitchell reported that Dorothy is in constant pain due to hip arthritis.

Tim Cox indicated that Geoff Telling’s health is stable.

David Mackinnon reviewed the past 18 months of work that the Rotary Wellness Committee has done. He reminded members that the efforts to establish an independent Nurse Practitioner clinic in Wellington was not supported financially by the Ministry of Health. He provided a recap on the Wellness Lecture Series – there have been four sessions thus far including the initial Blue Zone presentation. Although attendance has not been overwhelming (30-50 persons per presentation) there seemed to be a sense that these presentations were well received and did fill a need in our community. David expressed his desire to formulate a plan for the Wellness Committee for the coming 1-2 years. He indicated that health care remains a problem within Prince Edward County and doing nothing does not seem to be a reasonable option. David invited members from the Wellness Committee to provide their input and perspective.

David Smith agreed with a need to continue to pursue an increased presence of Nurse Practitioners in Wellington. He indicated that children should be the focus. Specifically, via an educational nutrition program in grade school could help to improve health and reduce obesity. He also emphasized the need to help keep elderly people in their homes.

Chris Compeau reported that the original plan for the Wellness Lecture Series included six presentations – the final two would deal with mental health issues (including dementia, anxiety and depression) and practical advice on making the home environment safe. He questioned whether we should plan to proceed in the fall with scheduling these 2 final lecture series. He also felt that our approach with Nurse Practitioners should pivit to a more collaborative approach with the Family Health Team as they already have four funded (and unfilled) NP positions.

Ken Robertson thanked all members of the Wellness Committee for their efforts over the past 18 months. He expressed his disappointment in our MPP Todd Smith in not providing the financial support to establish a Wellington NP led clinic. He feels that we should invite Todd Smith to speak to our group

with the goal of determining how we can improve our approach in this matter. Ken also felt that the focus of our Wellness Committee going forward should be on educating youth on healthy eating.

Yvonne Buys provided her perspective that the work of the Wellness Committee is important and should be continued in some form. She felt that any further speaker events should be better coordinated with all stakeholders in our community in order to maximize attendance.

Dawn emphasized the need for more Nurse Practitioners in our community in order to promote health and wellness and ideally keep people from using the Emergency Room.

Mary reported that the recent establishment of a single Nurse Practitioner within the Family Health Team has had an overwhelmingly positive response. She indicated that there should be better utilization and organization of NPs within the FHT.

Pierre reported that he enjoyed the lecture series and felt that we shouldn’t be too discouraged by the relatively poor attendance as this is only the first year.

Trudy agreed with a youth focus to ongoing wellness efforts. She indicated that many organizations within our community are engaged in youth wellness so it will be essential to collaborate.

Shawn suggested that we consider engaging with a local horticultural society with the aim of both community beautification as well as teaching healthy eating habits.

Howard also liked the youth focus and suggested that this was also an opportunity to promote the Rotary brand. He also agreed with continuing the Wellness Lecture Series.

Kim Lee stressed the importance of collectively ‘getting the message out’ regarding the availability of local primary care providers – he provided the example of Dave Robinet notifying club members last year when a new Family Physician set up practice in Brighton.

Robynne indicated that she has a background in child nutritional education and could provide valuable guidance in this initiative. She strongly agrees with the concept of collaboration.

David Mackinnon felt that our next steps should focus on how environment can promote and enhance health – he provided an example relating to the construction of a daycare close to a workplace.

Ken indicated ‘last call’ for attendance at the upcoming past president’s dinner on June 25th at 6 pm. Trudy reported that Liam has agreed to be there for cleanup.

Mike announced that the PECM Hospital Foundation will have their annual general meeting and presentation of the Leo Finnegan Distinguished Service Award at the Wellings of Picton on June 27th. Mike indicated (confidentially, sort of) that one of our Rotary club members will receive the award.

Yvonne reminded members that she will need all money before the end of the month – which, will be her last month as club secretary!

Pierre reported that a pot luck barbecue at his home will take place July 10th. He recommended that any members planning on coming should bring their own chair and beverages. Lyn indicated that a pot luck sign up list did not have any main course listed. Pierre will rectify this situation.

Roger questioned who were the members of the July 1st committee? Ken reported that he will decorate the float. Mary reported that she will arrange for a tractor to pull the float. Ken asked if anyone has hay bales to donate for float decoration. He indicated that he plans to purchase a new Wellington Rotary banner. Shawn plans to serve fudge and cotton candy in the park on Canada Day – Christine indicated that she could help with this.

Tim thanked the golf tournament organizers for their efforts however he indicated that the Rotary tent needs some repair work due to a tear in the fabric.

Norm happily reported that the Diners and Duffers booklet sales generated a total of $14,000 for our club. I addition, Lyn reported that we received $6,000 from our district grant for the accessibility beach mat (rather than the $4,500 which was requested!).

Colin provided a belated ‘thank you’ to Tim and Norm for their assistance with the golf tournament.

David Smith’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw – in his absence Yvonne drew a card from the deck however she failed to pull the ace of spades.

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PECMHF AGM This Thursday


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50/50 Draw July 2, 2024: $117

Make sure you get your ticket next week!

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday June 26, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: John I, Ted, William

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Dave R, Christina, Gregore

Saturday June 29, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Phyo, Rick Bobzener (FoR), Sharon Bobzener (FoR)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Trudy, Phil McMillan (FoR), Lari (FoR)

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Birthdays & Anniversaries


David Hawkins (June 25th)

Margo Langford (June 28th)


Member Anniversaries

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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Jun 25, 2024
No morning meeting
Jul 02, 2024
President's Inaugural Address
Jul 09, 2024
Club Budget 2024 -2025
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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