Edition: July 02, 2024
wellingtonrotary.ca Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Norm Dodgson
Club Bulletin for week of July 02, 2024 This Week: President Roger Tessier
President's Message
Happy Canada Day! & Welcome to FY 2024 -2025 Rotary Year
We did not have the usual Rotary Rib concession in the park this year, but we were well represented in the Wellington Canada Day Parade with our float! Welcome to "THE MAGIC OF ROTARY" year!
Roger Tessier
Rotary Club of Wellington
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Fair Warning - You’re likely to get very tired of all the exclamation points - I’m a little pumped!
I want to thank Ken for organizing and hosting a wonderful Past President’s Dinner this past Tuesday. What a great night! Highlights of the evening, in no particular order:
Norm was honoured as Rotarian of the Year for 2023-2024. Extremely well-deserved!
An impromptu piano recital by Robynne, followed by an equally impromptu piano performance by Colin, which led to a rocking duet by the two of them! Very impressive, guys!
Roger brought news that our Club received three (!) District Awards at the District 7070 Changeover Event last week -
The DEI Award, for the Club that made the greatest contribution to the advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion – for our wonderful Accessibility Beach Mat Project!
The Tibor Gregor Community Service Award, which is given to the club with the best Community Service Project during the year – also for our Accessibility Beach Mat Project! and
The Les Faluty Leadership Award, which is given to a Club President who, in the judgement of the District Governor Team, provided the most outstanding leadership during the Rotary year - because we have absolutely the BEST club there is!
Speaking of awards, several members of our club were present on Thursday to see our very own David Smith receive the Leo Finnegan Distinguished Service Award, given by the PEC Memorial Hospital Foundation. This prestigious award honours an individual or organization that has made a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of our community as a result of their sustained volunteerism and leadership. Well done, David, and very well-deserved!
Looking back over the past year, I am struck by the energy and enthusiasm of our club. There are the ongoing projects we undertake each year - the Bottle Return Depot each and every week, the Annual Dinner/Dance in the fall, Family Day in February, the sale of local Rotary-branded maple syrup in March, the annual sale of Diners & Duffers Coupon books through the spring, and the Rotary Golf Tournament in the summer. This year, we added a number of “firsts” - the Wellington Community Appreciation Day in August; the Electronic Recycling Event in January; the first four in a series of Wellness Lectures throughout the spring; installation of Accessibility Mats at Wellington Rotary Beach in May; our first Community Yard Sale, also in May. And we welcomed five (!) new members to the club this year – Martha, Lois, Mary, Robynne and Gregor. Wow, what a year!
In closing, I want to thank you all for your support, your encouragement and your tireless energy. It has been my honour to be your President! I want to thank the members of this year’s board for their service – Ken, Yvonne, Chris, Christine, Dave R, Peter, Norm and, of course, Roger. And, finally, I’d like to thank the new members of the incoming board, for volunteering to serve – Bill P and Robynne.
This is my last President’s Message of the year!
The last official act of my term as President!!
And next week, Roger, you’re ON!!!
Lyn McGowan
President 2023-2024, Rotary Club of Wellington
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Last Week: Past President's Dinner
Rotary Club of Wellington, June 25, 2024
Pics by Christine Dimitris & Lyn McGowan
Past President Ken Presiding over the ceremony.... President Lyn accepting her Paul Harris award
Norm Dodgson was awarded Rotarian of the Year for 2024-2025 for his contributions in 2023-2024
President Lyn acknowledging her "best president in District 7070" award
President-Elect Roger, President Lyn, Past President Ken proudly acknowledging the trio of awards from District 7070
Left to Right, posing with the next board of directors is past president Ken with Norm Dodgson - Director Literacy, Chris Compeau - Secretary, Roger Tessier - President, Yvonne Buys - President Elect, Robyn Smith - Director Communications, Bill Pennell - Treasurer, Lyn McGowan - Past President. Missing is Peter Campbell - Director Membership
Piano Concerto by Robyn Smith accompanied by Colin Fredericks
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Rotarian David Smith was awarded the 2024 Leo Finnegan Distinguished Service by the PECMHF for his leadership with the Rotary Club of Wellington's campaign to raise funds for the New Hospital
A cheque for $29,075 was presented to PECMHF at their AGM last week for Rotary Club of Wellington's donation to Back the Build and equipment for the hospital
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50/50 Draw July 2, 2024: $117
Make sure you get your ticket next week!
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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week
Wednesday July 03, 2024
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Ken Robertson, Gregore Stuart,
Needed: 1 Sorter/Receiver
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Phil McMillan (FoR),
Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, 1 Sorter/Receiver
Saturday July 06, 2024
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Alex Lacher (FoR),
Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, 1 Sorter/Receiver
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Doug & Brenda Little (FoR),
Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Ken Robertson (July 03)
Phyo Kyi (July 06)
Member Anniversaries
Phyo Kyi & Trudy Brown
(10 Yrs July 02)
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Rotary Grace
O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.
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Four Way Test
Of the things we think, say, and do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3. Will it build GOODWILL and better
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all
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Rotary Song
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.