Edition: September 03, 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Norm Dodgson

Club Bulletin for week of September 03, 2024
This Week: Roxanne Bird
(Prince Edward Community Living)


President's Message

The Rotary Theme for September is “Basic Education and Literacy.”
Rotary’s goals are to support basic education and literacy - reduce gender disparity in education; increase adult literacy; education for children; and literacy for children and adults.
Unfortunately, according to educators, children learn many unwanted habits, linguistic “faux pas” and racism from their parents resulting in kids who swear, are mean or are bullies; not born with these traits but taught them at home. This would indicate that the best way to solve these issues is to educate the parents, which is easier said than done. Our goal is to educate adults by example; by being good Rotarians and helping our fellow human beings in any way possible.
Just imagine our Syrian families. We have no idea what they have gone through to finally end up with us. Thankfully, we have caring people looking after them and helping them to adjust. The importance of ensuring that the kids are accepted and NOT BULLIED cannot be emphasized enough.
Roger Tessier, President
Rotary Club of Wellington
On second thought: When I was young, my parents moved a lot, but I was very crafty and smart, as I always found them.
This Week's Zoom Meeting Details:
Meeting ID: 821 3978 9023
Passcode: rotary
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Last Week: Club Forum

Rotary Club of Wellington, August 27, 2024
Notes from Chris Compeau
The meeting was called to order by President Roger at 7:07 am.  35 Rotarians were present.
Roger thanked Howard and his committee members for the organization of the Rotary Memorial Garden event this past weekend which was a moving tribute to 4 outstanding former Rotarians.
Peter welcomed new member Cathy Cavanagh who transferred from the Northumberland Sunrise club (where she was a past president).
A thank you card was circulated from the three Syrian girls who were sponsored by our club in taking swimming lessons.
Pierre provided his Rotary moment.  He lived and worked in Toronto where he ran 3 chiropractic clinics prior to relocating to Wellington.  While in Toronto he was asked to attend a Rotary meeting – he found that Rotary club somewhat dysfunctional and chose not to join.  Pierre and his wife used local contractors when building their home in Wellington.   He rented a house from Gord Lloyd who was one of the founding members of the Wellington Rotary.  Furthermore, his banker and several local business owners were also founding members.  He ultimately joined the Rotary Club of Wellington 3 months following its inception and has been a proud member ever since.
 ‘O’ Canada’ was sung. David Hawkins recited an invocation. Breakfast was served.                                
Roger inquired about the health of members:
  • Robynne reported that John Heeringa is undergoing an assessment today relating to tentatively scheduled surgery in September.
  • Pierre indicated that Connie is scheduled for hip repair surgery sometime within the coming months.
Club Forum
 Chris provided a review of correspondence messages received and sent.
Bill provided a comprehensive treasurer report for the month of July.  Trudy moved to accept the club financials as presented; seconded by Norm; approved unanimously.
Robynne provided an update on club communication.  She noted that the recent Times article was well received.  She encouraged all committee members to submit updates to her regarding upcoming events – these updates will be posted on Facebook and Instagram.
Norm provided an update on the youth portfolio as well as the storybook walk.  Geoff noted that some of the interpretive signs on the boardwalk are in need of refurbishing.  Norm noted that work on the next iteration of Diners and Duffers will be starting soon – he thanked Mary Camp for her assistance.  Liam Smith has agreed to help with the electronic recycling event on October 6.
Peter provided an update on membership.  There are currently 42 active members, 1 honorary member, and 49 Friends of Rotary (of which 29 are regular bottle depot volunteers).
Roger noted that the ‘Presidents Walk’ is scheduled for October 6.  Margo and Liz have been scoping out alternate routes for the walk and have recommended Bare Bones distillery on Closson Road as a starting point.
Roger also indicated that fellowship dinners will resume in late October/early November of this year.
Funding requests;
Roger noted that the board had chosen to donate $500 to the Guatemala Literacy Project.
Prince Edward Minor Hockey requested $2,500 to purchase training equipment.  The board has recommended that $1,500 be donated to Prince Edward Minor Hockey with an additional $1,000 earmarked for a financially disadvantaged child who wishes to play hockey; John Inwood moved to support this donation; seconded by Christine; carried unanimously.
The Likipia Highlands Rotary Nutrition Program had requested $1,500 to support one semester of breakfast for 700 students.  The board recommended donating $1,000 toward this cause; Mike Lattner moved to support this initiative; seconded by Christine; carried unanimously.
Tim Cox read an email of thank you that he received from Liz Brown-Davidson.
Liz Bosma reported on some of the work being done by the Indigenous Peoples Partnership Cluster Committee.  She described a fur coat drive which is currently ongoing.  The fur is repurposed by indigenous persons who use it to sew and craft.
Roger reported that Colin and Shelley are celebrating a 48 year wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Trudy reported that a new white board will be set up at the bottle depot.  This will be used to highlight upcoming events and fundraising initiatives.
Norm applauded all Rotarians for the honorable job that we do for our community.
Mike Lattner’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw – despite a close call he failed to pull the ace of spades.
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50/50 Draw This Week: $395

Make sure you get your ticket this week!


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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday September 04, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: John Inwood, Ken Robertson, Ted Nash, Lana Whitteker

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  NEEDED 1 Rotarian Cashier, 3 Sorter/Receivers


Saturday September 07, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Lois Brown,  NEEDED 3 Sorter/Receivers

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Martha Murphy, NEEDED 3 Sorter/Receivers

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Birthdays & Anniversaries


David MacKinnon
(September 01)


Member Anniversaries

Shawn & Julie Ellis
(5 Yrs, Sept 07)
Bill & Nancy Pennell
(43 Yrs, Sept 05)
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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Sep 03, 2024
Prince Edward Community Living
Sep 10, 2024
The HUB Child and Family Centre
Sep 24, 2024
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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