Edition: February 13 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Yvonne Buys

Club Bulletin for week of February 13, 2024
This Week: Barry Davidson - Home Sharing  


President's Message

Family Day 2024 is fast approaching and expectations are high – Rotary’s contribution to the PEC Family Day event in previous years has been outstanding and has provided a great boost to the families in our community in the depths of winter. A free day to enjoy time, fun activities and good food with loved ones. That’s what Family Day is all about, right?
In fact, Family Day got it’s start in Alberta in 1990, with the passage of the Family Day Act, which officially established the third Monday of every February as Alberta Family Day. Other Provinces adopted the holiday over the next three decades - Saskatchewan in 2007, Ontario in 2008, British Columbia in 2013 and New Brunswick in 2018. New Brunswick and Manitoba have holidays at the same time, but with different names — Islander Day in PEI, Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, and Heritage Day in Yukon and Nova Scotia. Though the remaining Provinces don’t celebrate on that day, it is widely acknowledged in Canada and some believe it could become a national public holiday in the future. (Can you tell I was a history major at university? I can’t help myself - I’m always fascinated by the stories of how things came to be.)
Anyway, as I said, Family Day is just a week away and we will need “all hands on deck” to make this event a big success for the families in our community. If you haven’t already signed up to do set-up, serving, or clean-up, if you haven’t volunteered to provide a pot of soup, or cookies, there’s still time. We’ll have the sign-up sheets again at our meeting on Tuesday. It’s a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, and so worth it.
Lyn McGowan
President, Rotary Club of Wellington
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Last Week: Steven Fine President of the Melanoma Education Foundation

Meeting Notes by Barry Davidson - February 6, 2024

There were 27 members in attendance and four on Zoom for a talk by Steven Fine, the Founder and President of the Melanoma Education Foundation. The Foundation was aimed at middle school and high school teachers and students to detect and get treatment for melanoma but has recently been expanded to include Rotary Club members.
After the meeting was over, President Lyn, distributed the links to Steven’s presentation, so the description that follows is a bare outline of the material. Full details at https://www.skincheck.org/ and a 31-minute video at http://bit.ly/3hipmFK.
The material emphasizes the early detection and prevention of melanoma. It provides a comparison of the three common skin cancers, the risk factors for melanoma, and pictures of various skin conditions showing skin cancers. Then, it describes the personal examination that he recommends monthly to be sure that you are not developing any cancers. To avoid developing cancer, do not use tanning beds, apply heavy doses of sunscreen, and wear a protective hat and clothing.
Club Business
David MacKinnon gave an encouraging update to the Nurse-Practitioner project. The government’s budget has been increased to $110 million and the description of the medical strategy now includes nurse-practitioners as part of the solution. He described a meeting with other County organizations as being very supportive: Wellington Community Association, the County Foundation, the doctors’ Group and Community Care for Seniors.
Chris followed with advice that a description of the Blue Zone can be found free-of-charge on Ted Talks.
Lyn reviewed preparation for Family Day, February 19, that is coming together nicely.
Dawn advised that the Adult Spelling Bee will be held in Trenton, April 15. She is encouraging members who love to spell to form our team and win the trophy. Last year we were second. As well, Dawn said, there are five County schools holding their Spelling Bees.
Yvonne reminded members to sell maple syrup. We have 500 bottles (42 cases) to go.
Peter’s number was drawn for the 50:50, but the ace of spades was not drawn for him.

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50/50 Draw This Week: $607

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.:  Ken Robertson, John Inwood (cashier)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Roger Tessier (cashier), William Mulholland


Saturday February 17, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Bill Pennell (cashier), Doug FoR

10:00 a.m. to 12:00: Chris Compeau

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier, Lari (FOR)

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Birthdays & Anniversaries


Bill Hurst, Feb 14


Member Anniversaries

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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Feb 13, 2024
Feb 20, 2024
Classification talk
Feb 27, 2024
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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