Edition: August 13, 2024

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Norm Dodgson

Club Bulletin for week of August 13, 2024
This Week: Gregor Stuart


President's Message

I am writing this weekly President’s message while flying to Edmonton with Porter Airlines. First time flying with Porter, so far excellent flight - might have something to do with free wine and beer….excellent service.
This week, we had David Smith’s nephew speak to us about Likipia Highlands Rotary club Kenya global grant. His dedication is contagious and I can see our club helping him financially. It is heart warming to see Tarn’s dedication in ensuring that the young school children start their day with food in their bellies.
Recently, Bottle Bill mentioned that we should increase our membership. I personally think we should be looking for 2 to 4 new members. This would ensure that we remain around the 43 to 45 mark. If you know of someone that could fit into our mold, please bring them to a meeting and introduce them to Peter, our membership chair. 
I would like everyone to put their thinking caps on and give me ideas on how we could thank our friends of Rotary.  They have become an integral part of our fundraising efforts, most specifically the bottle depot. Thanking them in a meaningful way is long overdue. Please let me know your ideas no matter how “out there” they are.
Good luck to Christine and her merry group of singers. They will be taking the Brighton Rotary club’s Bar BQ by storm. Their rendition of “ stuck in the middle with you” will be a winner I’m sure.
See you this week on Zoom.
Roger Tessier
On Second thought: If you want to change the world, do it while you are single. Once you are married, you can’t even change the channel.

This Week's Zoom Meeting Details:

Meeting ID: 821 3978 9023
Passcode: rotary
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Last Week: Tarn Breedveldt
(Likipia Highlands Rotary Club Global Grant)

Rotary Club of Wellington, August 07, 2024
Notes from Chris Compeau
The meeting was called to order by President Roger at 7:07 am. 35 Rotarians were present with 1 guest (speaker Tarn Breedveldt).  Roger welcomed back Geoff Telling.
Kim provided an insight as to why he joined Rotary.  Ironically he joined our club to ‘get back at’ his father-in-law who had a negative impression of service clubs.  Kim lives across the street from the bottle depot and witnessed firsthand the great work that the Rotary members were doing there.  He joined in June 2018 and has been a proud member ever since!
 ‘O’ Canada’ was sung. David Hawkins recited an invocation. Breakfast was served.
David Smith introduced the guest speaker Tarn Breedveld.  On an ironic note, David remarked that he and his wife Shirley are celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary this week and on their honeymoon they visited Kenya.  Tarn Breedveld married Shirley’s niece @ 8 years ago and they currently live in Kenya.  Tarn noted that he became a Rotarian in Kenya.  He thanked our Rotary group for our generous support of the Likii primary school in Anuki and provided an update on this initiative.  The Liki school is in a marginalized community where school attendance has been historically poor.  The breakfast program is designed to ensure that all 700 students receive a nutritious bowl of porridge every morning.  Tarn played a video which highlighted the early successes of the program which include significant improved attendance at school.  The cost of the breakfast program is approximately $1,500 Canadian dollars per term (60 days).  A long term sustainability plan with improvement in water harvesting and a permaculture gardening program are also in the works.
Mary Camp thanked Tarn for his presentation.  President Roger encouraged Tarn to submit a funding request to our club. 
Roger reported on the health of members:
            Tim Cox’s wife Nancy needs to wear a walking boot for 6 weeks.
            John Heeringa’s father is entering into hospice care.
David Mackinnon reported on a recent meeting with Chris, Yvonne and Nurse Practitioner (NP) Karen Clayton-Babb.  There are primary health care changes coming which may support potential plans for an enhanced NP presence In PEC.
Dave Robinet is celebrating a birthday this week and David and Shirley Smith are celebrating their 49 year anniversary.
John Heeringa’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw – despite a strong attempt he failed to pull the ace of spades.
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Christine Dimitris & The Wellington Rotary Singers
(Good Luck at the Brighton Rotary Singing Contest)

song:  "Stuck In The Middle With You"

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Bottle Depot - Up To The Rafters

For the record, we handled $1570 worth of bottles and cans in one hour on Thursday … And thanks to a generous donation from Kyle Baldwin from Waupoos Winery, we only paid out $1150.    So, donation of $420 plus commission of $245!!  There were 4800 cans and over 450 dozen wine bottles!!

Save the Date:  Annual Fundraising Dinner & Dance
(& Online Auction)


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50/50 Draw August 13, 2024: $301

Make sure you get your ticket next week!

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week


Wednesday August 14, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: John Inwood,  Ken Robertson,  Gregor Stuart, William Mulholland

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  SOS: 1 Rotarian Cashier, 3 Sorter/Receiver

Saturday August 17, 2024

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Howard Ziedenberg, Martha Murphy, Doug Henderson (FoR), Seth Madhaven 

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Chris Compeau, Doug & Brenda Little (FoR)
Needed: 1 Rotarian Cashier or Sorter/Receiver

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Birthdays & Anniversaries


- none -


Member Anniversaries

- none-
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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Aug 13, 2024
Classification talk
Aug 20, 2024
KeepFit Women
Aug 27, 2024
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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