Edition: January 21, 2025

Chartered November 22, 2002
Rotarian of the Year:
Norm Dodgson

Club Bulletin for week of January 07, 2025
This Week: Iza Hansen


President's Message

The Magic of Rotary – Making a Difference
On Tuesday, January 14th, Bill Pennell and I presented a cheque for $13,495 to the “Back the Build” campaign. The funds were the net proceeds from the October 2024 Dinner/Dance Silent Auction event.
To this date, we as a club have given 20 gifts. This cheque has brought our cumulative donations to a total of $603,562. Because of these efforts, the Rotary Club of Wellington is now listed as Grand Founders on the donation wall for gifts of $500,000 and higher.
Over $500,000 of the cumulative amount raised by the club has been designated for the “Back the Build” campaign and, as a result, we will be named in the Emergency Department waiting room in the new hospital. The remainder of the funds have been allocated for new equipment for the hospital.
Of the 30 million dollars needed to be raised locally, 23 million has now been raised with large commitments coming in the near future. Our 600+ thousand dollars is viewed as an enormous amount by Shannon Coully, Executive Director of the PECMH Foundation. It was very exciting to see the ongoing work with machinery and workers all very active.
We should all be very proud of our dedication and fundraising efforts. Once upon a time, this was only a dream brought to fruition by Rotarian David Smith, as Chair of the “Back the Build” Committee. He had a very strong group of believers helping him: Barry Davidson, Phyo Kyi, Trudy Brown, Mike Lattner, Sharon Campbell, Howard Ziedenberg, and other Rotarians.
Bill and I were very proud to represent all of you Wellington Rotarians at work.
Roger Tessier
President 2024/2025
On Second Thought: I knew I took a wrong turn when, just before I went under for a colonoscopy,
I said jokingly “Doc, are you sure this is right? I just came in for a teeth cleaning.” Without missing
a beat, he said, “Don’t worry. We can get there from here!”

This Week's Zoom Meeting Details:

Zoom session opens at 7:00 a.m.

Meeting ID: 828 3438 7279
Passcode: rotary

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Last Week:  Corey Engelsdorfer (PEC Councillor, Ward 3)

Rotary meeting minutes January 14, 2025
Notes by Chris Compeau
The meeting was called to order by President Roger at 7:05 am
28 Rotarians were present with 3 on Zoom (Gregor, Robynne, and John Heeringa) as well as guest speaker Corey Engelsdorfer.
Roger indicated that Geoff Telling’s wife has Covid so he felt it best that he not attend in person.  Roger read Geoff’s testimonial as to why he joined rotary.  Geoff initially joined a Rotary club in Toronto approximately 35 years ago! Over the years he has had many revelatory moments as a Rotarian, however he is generally inspired by a speaker who presents an idea designed to help others.  Of note Geoff reports that these moments of inspiration have become more intense when, over the past few years, he has experienced personal health challenges.
 ‘O’ Canada’ was sung.  David Hawkins recited an invocation.  Breakfast was served.
Lyn introduced guest speaker Corey Engelsdorfer.  Corey was born and raised in Wellington.  He obtained a degree in journalism.  He initially worked for the Wellington Times and then subsequently bought the newspaper from Rick Conroy.  He was recently elected as councillor for Wellington.
Rather than speaking from a script Corey felt the format would be better suited to a free-flowing ‘question and answer’ session. 
The closure of main-street due to water main construction was a strong point of concern for Rotary members.  Corey indicated that the contractors will be conducting rolling closures so as to minimize the impact on any individuals.  The strong hope of council is that this water main construction will be completed by the May 24 long weekend.  Several questions also dealt with closure of the millennium trail.  Once again the aim is to complete construction by the spring.  It was emphasized that the trail will be restored to its original condition. Gregor noted that some parts of the trail are closed to pedestrian traffic outside of the proposed construction zone.  Corey agreed to discuss these closures with Gregor and the developers.
David Smith asked about the development charges which are hoped to recoup the 200 million dollar construction costs.  Corey admitted that the County is putting a lot of faith in developers to balance the books.  Ken noted that affordable housing development is exempt from development charges in the County.
Howard had questions regarding the redevelopment of McFarland Nursing Home.  He wondered how the proposed $100 million price-tag could possibly be absorbed by the County.  Corey agreed that municipal debt is accumulating at an alarming rate.
Yvonne had a question about ground contamination at the former Duke Dome site.  She questioned how big of a problem this contamination issue is with regard to impeding development?  Corey felt that with the partnership of a developer this contamination issue could be readily addressed.
Ken noted that Corey was the only council member with the courage to stand up to the developers at last year’s town hall meeting.  He questioned whether he had any interest in running for mayor?  Corey replied that he was simply representing the concerns of the community membership.  David Hawkins wondered how Corey is able to deal with the seemingly constant stream of criticism leveled at council members in the newspaper.  Corey sees this as a ‘freedom of speech’ issue.  He did offer his opinion that council is too large and some form of overhaul of this system is necessary.
Trudy had questions regarding the Kaitlin Corporation plans for developing the space between Lewisville Road and Skiff Cove Road.  She understands that there has been a petition to construct an access road to this development off of Skiff Cove Road.  Iza also had questions regarding the proposed capacity and construction of the water treatment plant.  Clearly there would need to be a financial plan in place before ground is broken on this project?  Corey felt that it would be at least another year before this construction project is addressed.
Phyo noted that one of the key take-away’s from last year’s Town Hall meeting was the need for a better communication plan between council and community members.  Corey indicated that the CAO has plans to hire someone for this role.  Colin did appreciate receiving the information sheet on closure plans in his mailbox prior to the holidays.
Mike Lattner thanked Corey for taking the time to participate in this question and answer session.  He was impressed and is certainly grateful that Corey is a councillor working on our behalf. 
Roger reported on the health of our members.  Once again it was noted that John Inwood is getting a little bit better.
David and Rowena Hawkins are celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary.
Bill Pennell’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 draw – despite a strong attempt he failed to pull the ace of spades.
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50/50 Draw This Week: $232 ++

Make sure you get your ticket this week!

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Bottle Depot Volunteers Schedule for This Week

Wednesday January 22, 2025

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.:  Ted Nash, Ken Robertson

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Mike Lattner, Lari Langford (FoR)


Saturday January 25, 2025

9 a.m. to 11 a.m.:  Phyo Kyi, Karen Norell (FoR)

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:  Trudy Brown, Lari Langford(FoR)

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Birthdays & Anniversaries




Member Anniversaries

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Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good
We thank thee for our day food
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways
Help us to serve thee all our days.


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Four Way Test

       Of the things we think, say, and do:
        1.  Is it the TRUTH?
        2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
        3.  Will it build GOODWILL and better
        4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all 

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Rotary Song

R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
R-O-T-A-R-Y, is known on land and sea.
From north to south, and east to west,
They profit most who serve the best,
R-O-T-A-R-Y, that spells Rotary.
Jan 21, 2025
Classification talk
Jan 28, 2025
Feb 04, 2025 7:07 AM
Scottish Curling Tour Presentation
View entire list
Editors: Phyo Kyi, Mike Lattner, Howard Ziedenberg
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